Tasty Tuesday - Miso Glazed Chicken
Last night, I made one of my favorite dinners. In fact, it's one of the wee ones' favorite dinners, too. Unfortunately, I haven't made if for a couple months, so when the wee ones saw it, they refused to eat it.
But Moooooooooom, it has sauce on it.
Mommy, I don't like it.
Mommy, I don't like this dinner.
I want something else, Mommy.
And no, they hadn't tried it yet. This wasn't shaping up well. But it's a favorite. So I give you my Miso Glazed Chicken.
Miso Glazed Chicken
1/2 cup white or yellow miso paste (or a mix of the two)
1/4 cup sugar (scant)
1 T soy sauce
1/4 c chicken stock
3 T oil
1 T ginger, grated
4-6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts.
This is a super easy one. Put all the marinade ingredients into a bag, and squish the bag until it's all nicely combined. Then add chicken!
I prefer to let it marinate overnight in the fridge and cook it for dinner the next day. This time I marinated it only for three or so hours, and the flavors hadn't quite penetrated the way I wanted, but it was still yummy!
After you've marinated it, pray that it's warm outside and you can grill!
Or if you live in Chicago, pull out that grill pan and heat it up to medium/medium high. Once it's fully heated, plop that chicken on down.
Cook until it has nice grill marks on one side, then flip to the other. Cook until it's done all the way through. Let it rest for about five minutes before you serve it.
I like to slice it against the grain and serve it with some quinoa. Yum!
For more yummy stuff, check out this week's Tempt My Tummy Tuesday with Blessed With Grace!
Oh, and twenty minutes into the meal, the wee ones finally tried their food. Below is Mister Man's review. Little Miss helped out in the background, which also explains the shaking camera at the end, since she was hanging off my arm.
I always look forward to these tasty Tuesday posts! Always something good to try! This sounds like a great one to give to my picky ones. Thanks!!
Well, it goes without saying, but, that video is precious!!!! I know you enjoyed those hugs and kisses! Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking up to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.
Well, it goes without saying, but, that video is precious!!!! I know you enjoyed those hugs and kisses! Thanks for sharing your recipe and linking up to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.
Chocoholic - Thanks! It's a tasty one, and thanks for stopping by :)
septembermom - Just make sure you call it a "glaze" instead of a sauce... not that this convinced Mister Man. But once he got a bite in his mouth, he was hooked! Glad you like the feature.
Lisa - Yeah, I thought it was pretty sweet. I tried retaping it and removing the penny he was playing with, but then he came over and GAVE me the hugs and kisses in the middle of it. And yeah... Little Miss was the nice stagehand, huh?
Brenda - I hadn't before this recipe either, but it's SO good. And miso keeps forEVER, so I don't have to worry about it going bad in a couple weeks. Try it out!
He's a future Food Critic! Too cute! I may have to try this. My kids love chicken and they love miso :)
This looks delcious, except for the quinoa (it must just be me - everyone else seems to love it?). The chicken part looks so good, though.
Congratulations on winning over $35 in OPI products from my giveaway! E-mail me to collect your prize! -RAS
Cookie - I forget. You're probably the person who also has the stock of miso in the house. Go for the mix of yellow and white. It's much better than just yellow. In my opinion :)
Ryan Ashley Scott - I'm so excited to get it. Quinoa has to be cooked right... if you don't take off the outer shell, it's icky. And I cook mine in chicken stock and add garlic and onions and parsley and a tiny bit of salt which really makes it good. Of course I can't put ALL that stuff in for the wee ones, but a bit of parsley, cooking in chicken stock and a tiny bit of salt (my chicken stock has no salt added) is pretty darn good! In my opinion, of course.
The chicken looks good, and I enjoyed the video review from your little food critic.
Jerri - Glad you enjoyed the review. He thinks he's a star now :)
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