I Would Make A Horrible Boy Scout
Mister Man joined Cub Scouts this year. He loves it. I mean L-O-V-E-S it, and yes, he's doing it again next year. Today was a big day for him, as he had his Blue and Gold Banquet where he moved from being a Tiger Scout to being a Wolf Scout. Yay!
And being the great mom I am, I brought not one but two cameras with me. I had my pocket camera as a backup in my purse, and I grabbed my DSLR bag, knowing that I was going to want to switch lenses and use the external flash. Rock on, me.
You know that Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared?
It turns out that I switched purses last night to go out to dinner and neglected to move the pocket camera from one purse to the other. No biggie. I opened up my camera bag to discover my zoom lens and external flash. And no camera. Closing my eyes, I could picture it sitting on my coffee table.
Fortunately, I have my trusty camera phone. It's slow, but it actually has surprisingly good resolution. In fact, you should see the pictures from last night's dinner at Wildfire with the three guys in the group drinking their manly Manhattans from girly glasses with cherries floating in them. Besides the point, oops.
I did what I could, but ... my camera didn't like the lighting or the distance or ... something. This shot was the best of the bunch.
Yeah, because you can't actually tell since the photo is so blurry and bleh, Mister Man is the boy on the far left. I'll be begging other parents (not many cameras unfortunately, as apparently many of us were slacker parents today) for any photos they got of the ceremony.
But Scouting? It's fun. I never did post about his Pinewood Derby experience. I was thrilled when Mister Man showed no interest in winning the races, as I was fairly confident it would not be likely given how competitive I've heard it can be. We let him do the majority of it on his own, the exception being the saw work obviously.
He loved his race car. He decorated it with Legos and let his passion shine through. Definitely not the most aerodynamic, but he didn't care when I pointed that out - more power to him.
But when he came home that afternoon (I missed it, sadly, as Little Miss had two birthday parties I had to ferry her to and from during the Derby), he had a surprise for me. He won third place in the design portion. I didn't even realize design mattered in the car.
He is prouder than proud of his trophy. Next year? He's already decided he wants to make his car look like an AT-AT Walker. I'm working on talking him down from there; fortunately I've still got about ten months to do that!
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