Tasty Tuesday!
Go check out my giveaway here and then come on back for the yummy recipe. Mmmm, soup!
Today is Little Miss's half-birthday, so I knew that would have to play into the recipe I chose for this week.
And let me stop there, since I've recently learned that I need to explain a half birthday. In our family, we don't just celebrate our birthdays each year, we also celebrate the half birthday six months into the year. On birthdays, people get a cake, but for half birthdays, cupcakes are served. There are no presents, but the half-birthday person still gets to choose what we have for dinner.
When the wee ones woke up this morning, Mister Man was so excited to wish Little Miss a happy half-birthday. He rushed into her room and gave her a big hug and a kiss. Then he ran back into his room exclaiming, "A plan! I need to come up with a plan quickly!" He re-emerged carrying one of his treasured Atlantis Legos. What a sweetie.
It didn't end there. He dashed back into his room and came back shortly upset because "I can't find it!" I assumed he was looking for a uniform shirt, but no - he wanted to give Little Miss his Thomas birthday shirt to wear today. I quickly found it, and she proudly went through the day wearing Mister Man's shirt.
Back to cooking though -- since Little Miss chose my pizza for her dinner tonight, there went that idea. Instead, I am "stuck" with her eensy weensy cupcakes.
I bought an itty bitty baking kit baking kit from the book fair this fall that Little Miss received for Christmas. She was so excited to use it for the first time. It actually worked out well because making a cake usually means having lots of leftovers. I found a recipe that makes not too many small cupcakes, which was perfect. I adapted it to (in my mind) improve it, but I love the ability to make a treat like this without having a kajillion leftovers.
Tiny - and not too many - Cupcakes
1/2 c sugar
2/3 c flour
1/4 c unsalted butter, room temperature
1 egg
1 t vanilla
1 t baking powder
1/4 c milk
1 1/4 oz unsweetened chocolate, melted
In a medium bowl, beat together the sugar and butter until fluffy. Beat in the egg then stir in the chocolate. Once incorporated, add the vanilla and beat again.
Add the baking powder and mix, then add the flour and stir until just mixed. Stir in the milk until the batter is smooth, but do not overstir.
Use mini muffin tins, and spray with a nonstick spray. Spoon in a dollop of batter into each muffin space, filling about three-quarters full. This made 24 cupcakes and the 6 itty bitty cupcakes perfectly! Tap the muffin tin on the counter to get out any air bubbles.
(And, yes, these cupcakes really are that little - that's a teaspoon measure sitting next to the cupcake pan for relative size comparison.)
Place into a preheated 350 oven, and bake for 10 minutes. Let cool for ten minutes, then gently twist each cupcake and turn the pan upside down to release.
1/3 c butter, room temperature
1/8 c milk
1/3 c cocoa
2 c powdered sugar
1/2 t vanilla
Carefully mix together the milk and butter. Add the cocoa and stir until combined. Add the vanilla and mix again. Add powdered sugar a half cup at a time until the frosting is at the consistency that you prefer.
Turn the cupcakes upside down and twist in the frosting to coat gently, then use a butter knife to add more frosting and spread it around.
Because these are so small, they will dry out quickly. Store in an airtight container, but eat them quickly!

So sweet that you celebrate half-birthdays! Those are cute, tiny cupcakes. Looks like an easy recipe for me to try.
Happy half-birthday Little Miss! You look cute in Mister Man's shirt. Your kids are so thoughtful.
I'd have no problem eating them quickly! Maybe that IS my problem! Cute Little Miss! Happy Half Birthday to her!
Yum! Those cupcakes look great and Little Miss is precious!
Oh Michelle super yummy! What a freaking cute picture love the hat :)
I just want to lick the frosting lol
I love your half birthday tradition- might have to start something like that at my house!
On my 4 1/2 bday my parents bought me a kitten. It happened to be a few months before my sister was born. I guess they got me Cloe as a distraction :) Those cupcakes look delicious!
I love that you celebrate 1/2 birthdays! I may have to adopt a similar tradition for my kiddos. And thanks for the recipe - I have been eyeing the mini cupcake mold at the store for awhile, and just may have to give in a get it so I can try these.
Great looking cupcakes!
I love mini anythings. And I love that you guys celebrate the half birthday. So cute that Mister Man wanted to be sure he gave Little Miss some of his treasures for the day!
I agree with Angela-Mini anythings are awesome.
BTW, I'm linking to you tomorrow--I hope you have a Tasty Tuesday post planned!! :)
Kelly - It's totally an easy recipe, and it doesn't make a ton which is good.
Connie - Aww, thanks for the birthday wishes!
Lisa - I don't do chocolate cake (I know, there's something wrong with me), but I was told they were pretty awesome.
Alexis - Yeah... she still won't let us touch the hat. "The glitter will come off!" And yes, she keeps on wearing it even now.
Carrie - I loved it growing up, and I know the wee ones treasure it. Go for it!
Roxane - Shh don't tell her that! She's going to insist on a kitten, too. Gotta love the parental distraction idea.
Nichole - Totally do it! And I mean both the half birthdays and the mini cupcake mold :)
Jerri - Thanks! Coming from you, that means a lot.
Angela - He did. He hasn't even taken back his Lego yet. Ahhh sibling love.
Mrs4444 - Mini things do rock, don't they? And ummm what? Linking? But I don't have a good post!
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