How To Cut A Pineapple - Tasty Tuesday!
So this week is a little different. Instead of providing you with a recipe, I'm sharing a tip I use all the time with the wee ones when I'm making snack for school. They adore pineapple, as do I. We have it all the time, by itself, in a smoothie, chopped and over ice cream, and more.
But do you know how to cut up a pineapple? You see them for sale all the time in the store (I got this one for $1.98 the other day), but what do you do once you buy it? Cutting and serving it is simple, and today you get my demonstration, along with a few other tips.
A couple things to note.
First, when I am cutting, I always move the material I'm cutting so that the flattest surface is against the cutting board. The last thing I want to have happen is for something to roll and me to cut myself - badly. I do this for anything I'm cutting, whether it be a carrot or a potato or an onion. Always create a flat surface, then cut with the against your cutting board.
Second, always use a sharp knife that is the right size for your job. A dull knife won't cut cleanly through what you're trying to cut. You will have to use more force, and it's likelier that something will slip or that you will cut yourself. Find a professional knife sharpener near you, and sharpen regularly. And use the right size knife. My husband has a penchant for using a paring knife to cut vegetables. Just like when a knife is too big, a knife that is too small is also dangerous.
How to Cut A Pineapple
Enjoy this and more with Blessed With Grace and Tempt My Tummy Tuesday. Rachel from A Southern Fairytale has an awesome Mouthwatering Monday linkup that I participate in, too.

No!!! Don't cut me!! But if I had to cut one, that is how I would do it! yum~
I love me some fresh pineapple. Tastes so much sweeter than the canned variety.
I love pineapple. And that is EXACTLY how I cut pineapples! I may take off a bit more of the core, though. I've seen different ways to cut one, but this is the one I stick to.
Mr. Pineapple Man - I feel vaguely cannibalistic now. But at least it's how you'd do it, too!
Tara - Oh I completely forgot to mention that part, didn't I? Oops. Yes, the TASTE is so much better (and the texture, too).
Sandra - It depends on the pineapple how much I take off around the core. The more ripe they are, the less I take off, and this one was ummm very ripe. :)
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