I'm A Saint Who Washes Dishes
It's always enlightening to hear what your children think of you. Their opinions and perspectives are so often skewed - and so frequently entertaining. My husband couldn't wait to share what the wee ones had to say about me this past week.
While at Sunday school, the family activity was to build scarecrows representing the saints they were studying. As the group talked about saints, the teachers asked them to think about what saints were. The children came up with people who act selflessly, who do good things, and the usual platitudes. When asked for examples of people they thought were saint like, Mister Man came up with a long list that included John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln. Little Miss's list was much shorter. Just "Mommy." Apparently, I am a saint to her.
When we got home, I asked her why she thought I was a saint. Because you cook and clean for us all the time, Mommy.
The girl's got a brain in her head.
And on Tuesday at Cub Scouts, the den leader was talking about occupations and how important they are. He shared his job and asked the children to talk a little about their parents' jobs.
Mister Man apparently piped right up with, Well, my mom doesn't have a job. She doesn't really work. She just does laundry and cooks all day. She used to have a job at a bank, but now she doesn't anymore.
That child needs to have a little talking to. And for the record "now she doesn't anymore" isn't code for me being laid off. I'm pretty sure my husband is still laughing somewhere.

The first time my son said I didn't really work, it was easy take care of kids all day… it took all I had not to throttle the boy! They are truly clueless. =D
Tami - My husband thought it was hilarious. His Scout leader told him to NEVER say that out loud to his mom (smart man). Interestingly, my husband wasn't so keen to repeat that Little Miss noticed that our cat's ears are "slightly hairier than your ears, Daddy." Now THAT is the one I thought was funny ;)
Very sweet of Little Miss to say! And apparently you don't have a job because you have a Magic Wand to make s'mores bars magically appear for Mister Man to enjoy. ;-) Kids say the funniest things!
Oh, Little Miss--She hit the nail on its head. Little Man--ummm, not quite.
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