How Are You Improving Your Quality Of Life?
With back to school upon us, it seems like September is the "new January" when it comes to reflection and making life changes. I was listening to the radio today where the djs were talking about how September is update your resume month and college savings month (eep!) and self improvement month and more.
So it's really appropriate that the #VlogMom prompt this week from Jessica McFadden of A Parent in America is:
What are you doing differently this school year to improve your family's quality of life?
So tell me... what are you doing? I obviously need some tips!

LOL - my kids will NEVER be in the same school =( but they are now on the same school schedule - lol
Seems like we are on the same wave length with change.
Hey there my school-switching-sister and fellow not-driving-as-much-mama! Glad to hear things are simplified for you this year. However, the no shoes on and the bus is here story stressed me out a bit just reading it! :) Hope that your year is wonderful. xo
Hillary - I'm lucky with them being only one grade apart. There will be LOTS of years they're together. The same school schedule is huge. Last year, different districts so gah!
Susie - We definitely are, although I think yours are a bit bigger than mine!
Jessica - I'm not the only one? Oh, isn't it a nice feeling - and not only because I don't have to fill the gas tank as frequently. The bus waits in our driveway, as there are only four kids total (mine are two of the four), so it isn't like the other bus that would leave without us. But shhhh, they don't know that!
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