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They are trying to thwart your attempts to leave...
I have to leave a drawer open in my bedroom so my cat can lay in that, so what does that say about MY cat?
Sometimes I think my cats are just hanging around to drive me crazy. Our cats will climb into any box we leave open on the floor, whether they can fit inside or not, they try.
Raevyn - That wouldn't surprise me in the least!
Heather - I had a cat who would open my middle drawer (the bottom was too heavy) and climb through that to the bottom drawer where she'd sleep on my sweaters and fur them up. I had to put baby locks on the drawers to keep her out! I feel for ya.
Tara - Oh absolutely. I love watching them try to crawl inside tiny little bags where they can get about half their front feet into and that's it. Kitties are silly.
Cats seem to know how to make themselves comfortable on just about any surface!
Pat - They really do. It sort of cracks me up how easily they can find a space to hang out and enjoy.
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