Saturday, August 20, 2011

This Is Their Theme Song

It's getting to be that point of the year. When we were at the pool yesterday, we discovered the pool is closing for the year this weekend. We also found out that it was the last week of summer camp in the park district. How did we find this out? Wellllll, it's possible the pool staff made an announcement on the PA system.

I'd often wondered how the lifeguards and pool staff felt about the campers. They come to the pool a few times a week for a couple hours at a time, trooping in by the dozens with a counselor or two in tow, to be released to the pool without strict supervision by the counselors. The campers were understandably a bit rowdy, and wow was it crowded. The first time they came in, I counted over 220 of them (with twenty-six counselors, a few of whom were obviously dedicated to special needs children as one on one aides). We left the pool shortly thereafter.

As 3pm approached on this last day, I found out the pool staff's true opinion.

They announced over that lovely PA system that works so effectively, "Ok campers! It's the last day of summer camp, and it's time to leave the pool. Start gathering up everything you have and go find your counselors. And as you're getting ready to go, we have a special song to play just for you!"

I wondered what song they were going to play. I remember being in high school on the last day of school where they'd play "School's Out for Summer." (That is the name of the song, right?) That said, it isn't a good fit for the last day of camp. I wracked my brains trying to think of what song they would play for the campers. Once the first few strains started up, I knew what it was....

I absolutely died laughing. Yep, I know exactly how the lifeguards and other pool staff feel about the campers now!

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  1. Shows they have a sense of humor.

  2. That is hilarious! I can sense their true feelings. It must be mighty frustrating to see that many kids not being supervised well!

    The kids in our school district started back to school last Tuesday (Aug. 16th). I'm so glad I'm retired.

  3. OMG. hahahahha. That is hilarious! I can't believe its time to close up shop for pools and such :( Summer is just about over, isn't it?

  4. I can't believe they had the balls to do that! Totally awesome.

  5. Hilarious! Summer camps are my worst nightmare at the playground so I would have been right there signing with them.

  6. Oh dear. But I can understand how much work that would be for them. And it sucks for everyone else, too because their attention is stretched so thin.


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