Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Half Birthday, Mister Man!

Quick reminder of three giveaways here, here, and here.


Today is Mister Man's half birthday. Yes, we celebrate half birthdays around here. It's a fun tradition, and the wee ones get a kick out of it.

Apparently a tradition has been set. Mister Man's dinner request yet again this year was French Toast. Keep in mind that I don't eat French Toast. I don't like French Toast. I've never liked it. Ever.

Silly me, I introduced it one night when I was running low on dinner ideas and had a loaf of bread that had sat around one day too long for me to truly enjoy it. I mixed a few things together, and apparently I'm a French Toast master - odd since it's a food I don't like, but apparently the nutmeg and orange zest (among other things) I add works.

Nonetheless, making French Toast is a super easy option. It's a throw dinner together in ten minutes option. Gotta love that. The only bummer is that I then have to make dinner for myself separate. Ironic that I won't make a different dinner for the wee ones when they don't like something, isn't it?

Mister Man then made me really get out my creative hat for his cupcakes though. He requested strawberry cupcakes with cherry frosting.


And I'm the kind of mommy who says that they can have whatever flavor they want, and I mean it. I have done a strawberry cake before, but I really hate using mixes and other processed things with all sorts of chemicals in them. This time around, I found a way to make it strawberry and yummy and actually pretty darn good. It's good enough that it's making it to Tasty Tuesday this week.

The cherry frosting was more difficult. My husband suggested I go look at Betty Crocker, but I really prefer the homemade stuff for the wee ones, especially for their birthdays. I guessed and played around and ... I ended up with cherry soup. Which then cooled into a wonderful almost glaze-like topping. It was perfect for the cupcakes, and Mister Man was thrilled.

Granted, I wouldn't put those two flavor combinations together myself, but strawberry cake with a cream cheese frosting perhaps? Or my baked fudge frosting? That I could do. And the cherry icing? Ohhh that would be scrumptious on my normal white or yellow cake.

That's why I went back a half hour ago to have a second cupcake, right? Shhh!


Today is really about Mister Man. He's fully six and a half now, and I'm happy to report that I don't have problems with him getting older this time. He's already talking about his seventh birthday and what he's going to do for that.

In the meantime, enjoy being six and a half, Mister Man!

Even though I didn't make the cupcakes dairy free, Little Miss was not to be left out. I made her a cake awhile ago and put it in the freezer, so all I have to do is cut off a hunk anytime we have a celebration, and she's happy.


  1. Stopping by from SITS! I love that you celebrate hald birthdays, so fun. =)

  2. I can barely get myself together for full birthdays. Consider me very impressed and I hope you guys had fun.

  3. Looking at your kids' photos, I really see your expressions in their faces. They're so cute. Hope they had lots of fun at Mister Man's half-birthday bash. Love those long candles. I should use them for my kids' birthdays. They make it even more festive.

  4. Happy Half, Mister Man!!! I can't wait to see the recipe for the cake.

  5. How sweet is that you made one ahead of time. I would try to think of something like that but forget .. lol

  6. Just Me - The half birthdays are tons of fun... and I'm hoping they create some great memories for them for when they're older.

    Stacey - Keep in mind you have more regular birthdays to celebrate than I do. And it's possible that I've almost forgotten half birthdays before :) And regular birthdays that come in August.

    Kelly - My expressions? Hmmm not sure how to take that one ;) The long candles are fun - and you can do a small one for a "half" year that much more easily than with regular candles.

    Unknown Mami - The recipe is up now. And the cake rocks. I'm definitely doing that one again!

    Alexis - I assume you're talking about the dairy free one? Yeah... that's from her birthday. In August last year. It lives in the freezer and only has ~1 piece left before I need to make a new one :)

  7. Happy Half Birthday to Mister Man! He looks like he's going on 9 in that first picture!

  8. Happy Half B-Day Mister Man! The cupcakes actually sound delicious, looks like MM thinks so too.

  9. Happy half-birthday, Mister Man!

  10. Melisa - Doesn't he though? He's so tall and so mature looking, he is expected by strangers to act like 9. Good fun.

    Tara - They were pretty delicious! I am definitely making that strawberry cake again.

    Karen - Awww, thanks :)


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