Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - A Fashion Statement

My husband came downstairs the other night after changing into more comfortable clothes after work. He has a bit of a uniform that ... doesn't make it outside. He wears flannel pajama pants topped with a fraying hoodie. None of it matches, and he has a variety of pajama pants and hoodies from which to choose. I have no issue with it, although it sometimes makes me giggle.

The other night, though? He took it to a whole new level. I'm still giggling. Apparently our house was a little cold that night?

What's your style when you're hanging out at home?


  1. Haha! I'm giggling, too! Does he know he's on the World Wide Web, in that?

  2. Bwahahaha! The black socks are the perfect accessory.

  3. My style looks EXACTLY LIKE THAT. Seriously. Hahahaha. Frayed hoody, flannel pj bottoms and socks to keep my feet warm! :)

  4. Sandra - Ummm yes. He does. He's not thrilled, but he recognizes that if he's going to walk around with his socks tucked into his pants, there are repercussions ;)

    Tara - Yes, they are. Especially when you tuck the pants in, too!

    Heather - Exactly? Oh but please tell me this sock tucking in thing isn't trendy now. I keep thinking German knickers or something!

  5. I don't know what's better: that he wore it or that you caught it in a picture!! ;-)


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