Thursday, September 22, 2011

Oh Yeah... Laundry!

I know I'm not the only one. I'm tired of laundry. I don't actually hate doing it, but I'm just tired of it. It feels like I never have a chance to finish a load of laundry before someone in the house has put yet another item of clothing into the just emptied basket.

Yes, we are now all Sisyphus.

Every once in awhile, I just pretend like the laundry isn't there. I'll go for a few days or even gasp a week without doing laundry. I do have to check to ensure that Mister Man has enough uniform pants and shirts so that I don't get into trouble there. We've only had to go into the dirty clothes basket once to get a pair of pants this year, and that was because he somehow outgrew three pairs that we didn't realize until those were the only three pairs left.

Yesterday, Mister Man called down to me as he was getting dressed. Mooooom, I only have bad socks left. Ummm, ok. So they aren't your favorite socks. Big deal. Wear them anyway for one day, and I'll do laundry so that there are clean socks for today.

Apparently I should have delved a little deeper and found out exactly what Mister Man meant by "bad socks." Ahem.

And why yes, it was Mass Day for his school. The day when they have to wear their full uniform. Which includes only white, navy, or black socks. Oops.

I washed a lot of socks yesterday. He's good to go on socks for a good three weeks now, but I promise I'll do more laundry long before then.

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  1. Ugh, laundry... You do NOT want to see my laundry pile right now. To make it worse I have no dryer so we take wet clothes to the laundromat to dry every time we do laundry

  2. My house is kinda weird about socks. I think it's where other people's sock run away to. We have waaaay too many socks, they can't all be ours.

  3. The thing that trips me up with the boys' laundry is always their athletic stuff. It's literally seconds before we need to leave and because their uniforms/gear have been left in their bags for several days, not only are they dirty, but they've had time to steep and ferment.

    Gag. But we have to go to practice.

    Yeah, sometimes it's my kid that stinks.

    Sorry, people.

  4. Laundry... Ugh. The socks photo cracked me up. Now I understand the "bad sock" comment. He wasn't kidding ;-)
    xo jj

  5. I love doing laundry... it's the folding that I'm just ok with. And the putting-it-away? Hate that part all together.

  6. hahahahahha!

    those socks look super comfy though- and warm too! i need a pair!

  7. Once we became kid-less at home, the frequency of doing laundry went way down. Plus, since we're both retired, we tend to wear the same shorts and t-shirts multiple times in a row unless they are dirty.

    But I remember those days of non-stop laundry! I used cloth diapers for 6+ years (2 years for each boy)-- October of 1978 through about January of 1985. One week I counted how many loads of laundry I did and it was 14 loads in 7 days!

  8. Well, at least they're Packers colors... :)

  9. laundry never ends in my house - I swear - I complete 4 loads washed, dried folded and put away and there are 4 more??

  10. I want to run from laundry all the time!

  11. Paula - Oh wow. We don't *use* our dryer, but we have one. I line dry everything. I can't imagine running to the laundromat every time. Yikes!

    Tara - Is this the time to tell you that I can't go to the gym tomorrow morning because I'm out of workout socks? Can I borrow some of yours please?

    Kimberly - Oh. Ew. Yeah, I'm so not ready for that. This is why we're totally ok with staying away from those sports and doing gymnastics and tae kwon do instead ;)

    Joanna - Nope, he wasn't kidding at all.

    Kendra - I am ok with folding. And the wee ones put away their own things. And they frequently do the folding, too.

    Heather - They are. they have dinosaur tracks in that plastic-y traction material on the bottom, too.

    Pat - Ok I'm officially not allowed to complain. I have never done anything near 14 loads in 7 days. Yikes!

    Barb - Shush. That was mean.

    Teresa - I will go through their baskets and find clothes they've never worn alllll the time. I hang them back up. I think I'm not the only one.

    Kelly - I bet you do. And the more kids, the more often you have to do laundry, too ;)


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