Thursday, September 8, 2011

BlogHer Book Club: Slow Love

I have to admit that I opened the cover of Slow Love by Dominique Browning with a bit of trepidation. It is the Browning’s memoir as she moves past her layoff as editor of the newly defunct Home & Garden magazine and attempts to rediscover herself and again find happiness and purpose. The first several pages didn’t help matters, as she seemed to spend much of the first chapter plus apologizing for herself and her attitude and her behavior.

Once she gets into the meat of her story, however, the book becomes more enjoyable. I enjoyed hearing her issues with identifying the days of the week – and once mistaking a Friday for a Saturday, venturing out in her pajamas while the rest of the world briskly and efficiently headed to work. I understood her struggle to find an identity, as I’ve been in that position of facing change and figuring out how I move forward.

The part I related to much less well? Oh she has a horrible relationship. As she flashes back throughout the book, you wonder how a woman as intelligent and successful and happy as she is on the surface can struggle into and out of a relationship with a very unavailable man who clearly has no interest in a “real” relationship with her.

There’s lots more to discuss, and come join me in a discussion of Slow Love at the BlogHer Book Club!

In the interest of full disclosure, I was provided a copy of “Slow Love” for review purposes. I was also compensated for participating in this campaign. That said, all opinions expressed are – as always – my own.


  1. hmmm.. Sounds interesting enough and I need a new book to read! Maybe I will pick it up :)

  2. That may be one for me to pick up too!


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