Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Well, At Least You Know I'm Always Honest....

In addition to writing this blog, I also have my review blog (with ahem, some pretty decent giveaways with relatively simple methods of entry - go!). One of the things that's really important to me as a person, let alone as a review blogger, is to write honest reviews about the products and services I see. I don't want to be someone's mouthpiece, and I want people to - and hope that they do - trust me when I say something.

To that end, I point out the flaws. I don't simply pitch the press release but instead talk about my experiences and reactions to the products. Granted, I tend to accept only reviews from products I anticipate liking. And when there are issues, I bring them up to the company first to give them a chance to correct them. I'm not out to bash anyone, and a reivew that would be that is instead simply provided to the original company, not that it's been an issue often.

Book reviews fall into the same category for me, and I'll be doing more of them - outside the posts inspired by From Left to Write books - in the future as part of the BlogHer Book Club. My first published post with them on BlogHer is for A Jane Austen Education written by William Deresiewicz.

Like I said, now you all know I'm honest. Go read my review here to see why I say that.

Win a $100 gift card to Lands End here
Last chance - Blogger ate all entries, and I have no way to recover them so chances are excellent: Win a travel game from Hasbro here

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