Monday, May 2, 2011

The Green Goblin Returns!

The weather in Chicago has finally started to get a little nicer. Just a little. It's sunny. And almost to our regular highs instead of 10-20 degrees below them.

This weekend, Little Miss popped into the kitchen where I was working on lunch. Ok, Mommy. I'm ready to go bike riding outside. Are you?

Oh my little creative one....

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  1. I love it.

    My niece's FB status tonight reads (and I quote)...

    "A hotdog and a banana just passed me on their bikes... wth?" (okay, I lied. I changed the f to an h.)

  2. Too cute. I love the fun stuff like that. See? Aren't you glad you kept her this week? :)

  3. Mrs4444 - Ummm wha? Apparently there must be something in the air!

    Amanda - Yeah, I'm glad I kept her. She's pretty darn adorable. Of course, that's part of the problem, too ;)

    Susie - Do you like the kneepads and helmet, too? She's SO ready. In disguise.

    Brandie - Seems like something one of yours would do, too, no? You've got some cute and creative ones, too!

  4. Your Little Miss is quite the creative and fun-loving little cute! She's going green.

  5. I'm thinking Phantom of the Opera...she's ready for the stage! LOL Very cute!

  6. She is took funny! :)

  7. That is hilarious. I bet it kept her face warm.

  8. Pat - She is definitely my creative one :)

    Kelly - Trust me, we had her signed up for theater camp this summer for a reason!

    Patty - Yep, and she knows it, too, my silly monkey.

    Tara - Sadly, in Chicago, we do actually have to worry about keeping our faces warm. Thanks for the reminder ;P


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