Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Bad Signage

I just couldn't encourage Mister Man to play this game while at the Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet on Sunday. Would you have been able to?

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  1. That's um...different! LOL

  2. I will chuckle all day about that BOWEL of rice! :)

  3. I had to read it a second time....and then I laughed SO much!!


    That is HILARIOUS.

  5. Eww.... MM was better at reading the sign than I was. I had to read it twice to catch the error.

  6. Ohhhhh NOW i get it! Gross!!

  7. Susie - That really does about sum it up, doesn't it?

    Patty - That's one way of putting it. You're so tactful.

    Kori - I know I'm still chuckling about it, and it's been four days now.

    Pat - Don't feel bad, I had to actually explain it to my husband once I dragged him over to the bowl (errr bowel?) to giggle.

    Lucy - You got it!

    Heather - And unintentionally so. Although now I sorta want to intentionally do stuff like that to see if people notice. Or just to have a private little giggle.

    Tara - Well, when you know what you EXPECT to see, it's hard sometimes not to see it.

    Jen - Pregnancy brain by chance?

  8. Okay, I total didn't get it until I read the comments. ROFL! Too funny!

  9. I didn't get it until I read the comments either. Gross! Ha!

  10. Brandie - Well you know you always see what you WANT to see. So what does that say that I saw it the first time I read it?

    Stacey - Rather. But hey, sorta fitting for Boy Scouts, right?

  11. Brain? What brain? Wait, did someone say something -- what did I forget now????? ;)

  12. Jen - Oh you poor dear. Just wait. It only gets ummm better. Really.

  13. Is that for real?? I'm with you on this one Michelle.

  14. Kelly - I couldn't make this up if I tried. It's 100% genuine. And still funny, I think. Even two months later :)


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