Saturday, January 15, 2011

It's Pick On Grandpa Day?

My dad came over for dinner the other night. My mom is visiting friends out of town, and he likes to just spend some time with them. I think he may have regretted it after that night's dinner. It did start off rather innocently, though.

Grandpa, Little Miss looked at him with worship in her eyes, Mommy told me that you were in the Army when you were in the war. And you had a gun then, too!

Yes, Little Miss. I was in the Army during the war, he nodded at her.

She paused for a moment, squinting at him - wheels visibly turning. That was a long time ago, wasn't it? I don't think they let you in the Army if you have wrinkles. Did you have wrinkles when you were in the Army, Grandpa?

As he stifled a snort, my dad agreed that yes, it was a long time ago, and yes, he was younger then with no wrinkles.

And Grandpa, when you were in the Army, you didn't have grey hair, right? And you had all your hair? Because they don't let people with grey hair into the Army either, I don't think.

My dad gave up at that point, me along with him. We tried to keep it to small, subtle chortles, but we failed miserably.

Mister Man had been observing the conversation and thinking, as well. Not to be outdone:

Grandpa, sometimes you lie to me, he asserted, looking serious.

What? No, I don't lie to you, Kiddo! my dad looked taken aback.

You do, Grandpa, you do! You told me that you get grey hair because of things I do to scare you. That's not true. You have grey hair just because you're really old! And no amount of reasoning could convince him otherwise.

My poor dad.

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  1. This is awesome. Maybe you can explain to Mr. Man that the two ideas are not mutually exclusive.

  2. He probably left with a couple more grey hairs and smile lines.

  3. Double-teamed... your poor dad didn't have a chance.

  4. Oh, the painful honesty of children! I'm glad he laughed about it!

  5. This is giving me some good ideas for how to tease MY dad, lol. I might even put my daughter up to instigating it. Love the gray hair comment, too. I'm getting grays, and I should start telling my kids it's from the crazy things they do!

  6. Future Barbara Walters perhaps :-)
    Cheers, jj

  7. WeaselMomma - Nahhhh... I like his theory better anyway ;)

    Unknown Mami - Somehow, I don't doubt that in the least. And what could be better than that?

    Tara - Nope. Then again, he rarely does with the two of them!

    Pat - Yeah. We get that painful honesty a lot. Especially from Mister Man who is completely oblivious to tact.

    Laural - I'd love to hear what happens when your daughter tries it. Careful with telling your daughter about the grey hairs... my wee ones now TRY to give people grey hairs because they think it's funny.

    Joanna - Nahhh, she's not nearly enough of a softy for that one ;)

  8. She is too cute! My daughter seems obsessed with noticing my grey hair all the time these days. In the supermarket, at the mall, at the bus stop...

  9. Kelly - Gotta love what they notice and focus on... wonderful that she does it in public :)


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