Saturday, December 25, 2010

And A Very Merry Christmas To All

Little Miss has a message for everyone....

Current Giveaways:
Professional cookware, courtesy Jewel here
Baby Einstein Discovery Kit here


  1. Perfection!

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. So adorable! Merry Christmas to you and your family, my friend. xoxo

  3. Such sweetness. Hope you all had a fabulous Christmas.

  4. My six year old daughter heard a little girl singing and ran in to watch with me. When your daughter said Merry Christmas, mine said, "Feliz Natal para voce, tamben!" (Merry Christmas to you, too!)

  5. Awww, that was so cute and sweet. Merry Christmas (late) to you and yours, Michelle. Little Miss did a great job singing in Spanish!

  6. Tara - Wasn't it though? My little cutie pie.

    Melisa - Thanks! And what is this? You get organized over 12 days and catch up on all your blog reading, too? ;)

    Stacey - Absolute sweetness. Christmas was great, and a Merry Christmas - late - to you, too.

    Laural - Awww, that's so sweet. And your daughter really got what she was saying, too. What a sweetheart you have!

    Pat - She's getting her practice in. That was part of her performance for her holiday concert. It was so cute to see them all singing.

  7. She's wonderful!! What a nice gift to all of us :)

  8. Kelly - Thank you. That's such a sweet way of describing it. I love it!


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