Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: A Love Letter To A Five Year Old


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  1. nice blog
    check my blog :

  2. Jidhu - Mmm yeah, I'll get right on that?

    Debbie - Sweet, yes. A little questionable? Maybe. I found out at conferences yesterday that they hold hands in school, too.

    Unknown Mami - I think I might have to save it for her memory box...

    Tara - I know. A five year old did that. Orrrr maybe he had his older sister do it for him. Still adorable!

  3. Kelly - Isn't it though? The more I look at it, the more I think his older sister must have ummm helped a little. And yes, Little Miss made a picture for him now, too.

  4. Aw, puppy love. The drawing looks to me like an older girl drew it, based on my experience with kindergarten boys' and girls' drawings of people!

  5. Pat - I suspect you're right, as I know he has an older sister. And the more I look at it, the more suspicious I am....


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