Friday, October 29, 2010

How Long Can This Love Last?

With a chest X-ray this morning, it's official that Little Miss has pneumonia. Again. Fortunately, we caught it very early - the doctor didn't even hear anything in her lungs and it was fortunately still very small. That said, I think we're done with dairy for at least a couple weeks until she recovers. Coincidence that in 18 months being dairy free she didn't get so much as a cold and two months into reintroducing dairy she has pneumonia?

We are again home, and I have a short respite right now while Little Miss takes a nap. This is her third day home, and it's really starting to hit home to him that she's seriously sick and missing out on things.

This morning as he's getting ready for school:

Mommy, can you take Little Miss's temperature so we can see if she can go to school today? he asked worriedly.

Sorry, Mister Man. With a temp of 103.6 yesterday afternoon, even if she had no fever this morning, she still isn't well enough to go to school today, I explained.

You mean she's going to miss her Halloween party at school?! he wanted to know.

Unfortunately, she is, Kiddo, I confirmed.

But it's ok, because Grandma is going to come over to our house this afternoon and have a little Halloween here for her, right?

Yep, she'll be here when we go to your friend's party and will do something fun with her.

I think I'm going to ask for extra stuff at my Halloween party at school so she can have it at home later, he decided.

That's very sweet.

And, Mommy, the cookies we're taking to Henry's (not his real name) party this afternoon, can we leave some here for her so she can have a cookie at her party, too?

Of course. Of course we can leave a cookie behind for her. I love how he worries about her and wants to take care of her all the time, but especially when she's not feeling well. These are the days where my heart swells with pride. I can only hope that as they grow older, they don't grow apart and they continue to love and respect each other the way they do now.

Current Giveaways:

Family 4 pack of tickets to Ringling Brothers in Chicago at the UC November 17 here
Family Taco Night prize pack here
Wendy's gift card here
$40 gift card to here


  1. That is so sweet. I love that kid :)

  2. So sorry to hear about Little Miss :( That Mister Man is some AWESOME kid!!!

  3. Okay, I think my heart just grew two sizes. I am so sorry that she has pneumonia. I've had it and it is not fun.

  4. I hope Little Miss gets better soon!

    I love how her big brother worries about her. He's too cute!

  5. Such a good big brother. I hope they continue to build their bond, too.
    And I really, really hope she feels better soon. Poor girl.

  6. What a great big brother he is! So sweet and thoughtful

    I hope Little MIss is feeling better very soon.

  7. Aww, that is one sweet brother.
    So sorry to hear your little one is sick. Pneumonia is no picnic. I hope she's on the mend soon.
    Happy Halloween, jj

  8. Poor kiddo - I hope she's feeling better soon.

  9. Poor Little Miss...I really hope the antibiotics knock out that pneumonia soon. And what a sweet big brother Mister Man is. It is touching to read of his love and concern for her. He is a gem.

  10. I'm so sorry for Little Miss. Hope she feels better soon. Love how Mister Man worries and loves his sister so much. Very sweet.

  11. Mrs4444 - He's precious, isn't he? I wouldn't trade him for the world!

    Liz - He is awesome. I'm really hoping that he doesn't lose any of his awesomeness in the teen years. Wish me luck!

    Unknown Mami - Better than the grinch, isn't it? :)

    Patty - Thanks. She's on her way there, but not 100% yet.

    Hyacynth - I so rarely see siblings that are so caring towards each other. They aren't always like this, but definitely more often than not.

    Tara - He is a great big brother!

    Karen - Thanks. She's still coughing and wheezing, but it's getting better.

    Pat - So do I. I'm surprised they haven't been more effecting sooner actually.

    Kelly - It is sweet how concerned about her he is. He's a good egg.


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