Sunday, July 4, 2010

Mister Man Has a Message

Brand new giveaway for e.l.f. cosmetics here.

And I have a chance to win tickets to The Emperor's New Clothes from the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre here for my Chicago friends.


Yesterday, Mister Man was playing very nicely in the foyer for a period of time. I assumed he was sketching his dinosaurs or reading, which is what he usually is doing. When he came into the kitchen where I was preparing dinner, he asked me to come see what he'd done.

Of course, I followed.

He led me to the front door and proudly showed of his creation:

Nope, not the weather wheel. That was Little Miss's (although if you recall, Mister Man made a weather wheel in preschool a few years ago, too). With his love of art and his interest in spelling, Mister Man wanted to be sure we had appropriate decorations in our house for the Fourth of July and created this completely unprompted.

He's a pretty cool kid, I think. I'm impressed that he even got almost all the stripes right - just short one - and I don't think he had a model when he made it.

Happy Fourth of July, from us to you!


  1. That is really cool... you have a very impressive kid. I like your daughter's outfit too.

  2. What a great message! He really got into the spirit of the holiday. So precious! Your kids are adorable!

  3. That is a photo worth keeping. I love the stars on the wrong side of the flag. Someday he'll outgrow that and you'll miss it.

  4. That's a great photo. I think it's wonderful how he explores his creativity. Keep going Mister Man! You'll have an art show soon enough. Hope you enjoyed the 4th Michelle!

  5. That is awesome! They are so cute! Love your daughter's patriotic outfit! :D

  6. I am impressed! Happy fourth to you. :)

  7. I don't know if it's the picture, but the kids seem to look so much taller! Happy Belated 4th to you!

  8. Tara - Heh. It took me 20 min to get her to wear that. She HATES dresses, but it is pertty cute, isn't it?

    Carol - He really did. I can't wait to see what he does as he gets older.

    Karen - He will. I thought it was a pretty good rendering - and it's going on next year's calendar!

    Kelly - Oh, we've got art shows already. Just not very public yet ;) He did a "dinosaurs in their natural location" picture the other day, too.

    Sherry - Yeah, that's another outfit my mom bought. Very much her personality.

    Hyacynth - Thanks! And I was kinda impressed, too (especially because the second "f" was missing at first and he actually made his own "f" and taped it into place - the right size and everything - before finding the magnetic one.

  9. He's awesome!

    I hope you guys had a fantastic 4th!

  10. Megryansmom - (Ok so not sure why your comment isn't showing up here - it's in my email!) The wee ones are absolutely taller. They keep growing! Mister Man grew a full 3" during the school year. Yowsers!

  11. Very cute!!!

    LOVE the picture. And Little Miss' gold medal is in...?

  12. Unknown Mami - I know. I love it! And the Fourth was good, but ... never enough time!

    Melisa - Ummm gold medal in t-ball participation.


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