Monday, June 7, 2010

Tasty Tuesday!

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It's officially summer. Little Miss is finished with school, and Mister Man has only a day and a half remaining (and fifteen green days in a row!). It's also gotten really hot in Chicago - today being the exception, of course - which means that I'm sort of done using the stove or oven for the summer.

I do a lot of chicken grilling, and I use a lot of citrus marinades (ok, a lot of marinades in general). I realized that I haven't posted this one yet, but it's definitely one of our favorites!

And my apologies - I again have no pictures. This is a super easy and fast throw together recipe (as in I did it in eight minutes between conference calls last Thursday), and there are no leftovers once it's cooked!

Grilled Lime Chicken

1/2 c lime juice (squeezing your own tastes much better)
3 cloves garlic, minced (don't use the jarred stuff!)
2 T sugar
1/3 c oil
salt and pepper to taste (you don't need much!)
6 chicken breasts

Mince the garlic, juice your limes (3-4 is about 1/2 c depending on the juiciness of them). Add all the ingredients except the chicken into a container and shake well - or use your blender to whip it together, in which case you may not need to do anything but peel your garlic.

Add your chicken, and let marinate for 2-4 hours. I sometimes cut into strips of chicken to help it cook more quickly and have the taste get into the chicken more if I don't have as much time to marinate it.

Toss it on the grill - cook for 5-7 minutes per side, turning only once. Don't overcook it!

I like to serve mine with rice and corn and other fresh veggies. Yum!

Enjoy this and more with Blessed With Grace and Tempt My Tummy Tuesday!


  1. This is another recipe of yours I've saved! Thanks for all your great recipes!

  2. That does sound really good; we have begun grilling more, too, no that it is finally at least not raining, if not sunny; i will have to try this one over the weekend and see how the kids like it. Sounds like it would be good in a Cesaer salad, too.

  3. Now if only I could get you to come over and cook this for me....LOL.

  4. Come join me for the inaugural edition of What's On the Menu Wednesday. I'd love for you to link up with Mister Linky. Thanks. Love this idea...will definitely try it.

  5. Sounds like a great summer chicken recipe. Thanks for the recipe and linking to Tempt My Tummy Tuesday.

  6. Pat - Awwww thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying them.

    Kori - Yeah... sunny is sorta key to the grilling. We've been (and are scheduled to be) wet here, too. Bleh.

    Kelly - But it's so easy :) You can do this!

    Alexis - I think you exaggerate slightly, but ... I'll take it.

    Debbie - What a fun carnival title. I'll have to go look it up :)

    Denise - It is. Which, of course, explains the lack of pictures. Oops.

    Lisa - And it would go so well with the rice you had, too. Gotta love the citrus in the summer.


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