Friday, April 16, 2010

I'm Writing At Chicago Moms Blog Today

Yay! I was invited to participate in the Chicago Moms Blog, and my very first post went up today. I'll be over there at least a couple times a month, and I'd love a virtual high five as I explore that new domain!


  1. I hope you find all the band aids you need!

  2. Here comes that virtual high five!!

  3. High five from me, too. Have a great time!

  4. Whee! (as if I didn't know)

    Congrats from a fellow CMBer! :)

  5. Awesome! Now we're SV Moms Group pals, too. :)

  6. Betty - Would you believe I found three in my purse this weekend that I didn't know were there?

    Kelly - Awww thanks! I can always count on you.

    Pat - Whee! Thanks!

    Melisa - Welll yeah, I suppose you knew. Since you'd already commented on the post and all.

    Dawn - Really? How did I not know you were a part of that? Oops.


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.