Thursday, April 1, 2010

Do You Want To See Me Make A Fool of Myself?

It's really at least a 50/50 shot that I'll say or do something I regret, but I'm ok with that. WeaselMomma from World of Weasels has graciously asked me fill in for her co-host on Suburban Wow tomorrow (Friday) at 11am CST.

And I graciously accepted. After waffling for a couple days. And realizing that not one, but BOTH wee ones are off school tomorrow. And will be hanging out with me. And after WeaselMomma offered up one of her daughters to assist in corralling any wee one that attempts to escape.

So not only do you have a chance to view me, but it's a good chance that at least one of the wee ones will insist on making it on camera, too. (How do I know this? "Mom! Mom! Take a video of me eating a cookie!" Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll find a way to make it on screen.

And we'll be on location, which offers up even more potential entertainment. So tune us in at 12pm EST / 11am CST and see what happens. If you can't make that broadcast, it will be streaming on repeat after the show.

Let me know what you think - and yes, it's interactive, so if you can make it, you get to participate in the chat, too!

Go ahead - click here and join in the fun of Suburban Wow!


  1. Break a leg! I'll be watching, so give me "the signal" if you need anything! ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Super cool Michelle! I can't wait to watch it. Have fun!

  4. Break a leg - unfortunately I'll be in a meeting.

    Besides, you know the little ones will steal the scene anyway.

  5. Oh, that sounds like fun! What a cool opportunity. I'll try to catch it!

  6. I'm really looking forward to your guest spot on SuburbanWow. You'll be awesome.

  7. You rock girl! I'll check it out :)

  8. I couldn't play the whole thing, but the part that I saw you were awesome! It was so nice to hear your voice. Now I know what you sound like.

  9. Melisa - Thanks for the support. Especially the technical help WM needed :)

    Kelly - I hope you watched it. It was fun to do, although it went so quickly. LOTS of topics we didn't get to :)

    Dan - You can always watch the replay.... And the wee ones were off camera the whole time. Ten minutes after it was done, Mister Man asked if he could be on. Oops.

    Hyacynth - It was a ton of fun. If you missed it, go watch the replay :)

    Tara - Aww, thank you. You're too sweet!

    Alexis - You're too kind. I hope you enjoyed it - or went back to watch the replay!

    Unknown Mami - Sorry it didn't all work (direct all technical questions to Melisa above!). I'm so glad you enjoyed it though!

  10. I enjoyed hearing your voice and seeing you interacting with Melissa(?). I imagined that you would have a lower voice than you actually have.

  11. Pat - Thank you! You're so sweet. And trust me, my voice on that sounds nothing like (what I think) my voice sounds like. The woman there was WeaselMomma - Melisa couldn't make it that day, so I was sitting in for her.


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