Monday, October 5, 2009

Tasty Tuesday!

I'm tired. I'm getting sick. I have nothing witty to say today, so we'll just go straight to the recipe -- but hey, at least I have pictures.

This is VERY similar to a recipe I discovered somewhere online awhile ago, but me being me, I had to change it up and (in my mind at least) improve upon it. Plus, this recipe is dairy free, which means even Little Miss gets to partake.

As always when baking -- and more and more often when cooking -- I had little helpers making this. I figure another three years, and I won't be the one cooking at all anymore!

Carrot Cranberry Muffins:

1 pound baby carrots, steamed
2 eggs
6 T applesauce
2 T vegetable oil
1 c whole wheat flour
3/4 c white flour
3/4 c (scant) sugar
1 1/4 t baking soda
1/2 t baking powder
1/2 t salt
1/2 t nutmeg, ground (nutmeg makes EVERYthing better, after all)
1/2 t cinnamon
1/8 t allspice
1 1/2 c dried cranberries (or more)

Place carrots, applesauce and oil in a blender. Cover and process until smooth.

In a large bowl, combine the flours, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, salt, and spices.

Add the carrot mixture to the dry ingredients and stir until just moistened (lumps are ok when you're making muffin and pancakes and such!).

Fold in the cranberries.

Fill muffin cups until almost full.

Bake at 350 for 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool for five minutes before removing from the pan and placing on a wire rack. Serve warm. Makes 12 muffins (or ummm more).

Enjoy this and more with Tempt My Tummy Tuesday hosted by Blessed By Grace!


  1. Those looks wonderful!! You did good 'improving" them. Thanks for linking to TMTT.

  2. Thank you for the recipe! I really hope you feel better soon :)

  3. I like carrot muffin and the idea of cranberries is GREAT!!! because I really don't like raisins.

  4. Those are so pretty! I bet they are delicious!

  5. Oh, wow...that looks yummy! I'll be trying this! I do love to cook...mostly! Teehee!

  6. Oh, I do love these. Try them with fresh cranberries - so good!

  7. Of course I've come across this when I'm STARVING. They look delish.

    Hope you're feeling better soon!

  8. Lisa - Thanks! They definitely weren't bad before by any stretch, but I can't help but tinker.

    Kelly - I'm feeling a little better today, but still not quite 100%.

    SnoWhite - Thanks -- they are :)

    heartnsoulcooking - I almost said that raisins and carrots don't go together, but then I remembered carrot cake. Oh. Yeah.

    Brenda - Mmmm they are. And they're long gone now!

    Sarah - Go for it. I hope you like them.

    Sarah - Two Sarahs in a row! I would do fresh cranberries -- when they're in season. Right now the dried ones are what we've got though.

    Jules - Hey, I aim to please!

  9. We LOVE these, I'm so glad you shared this recipe with me this summer! We've made it no less than 10 times since then. When we don't have carrots I use pure pumpkin puree instead.

    I'm going to link up to this sometime soon in my kid friendly cooking roundup! :)

  10. I like the pics! I am trying to get back into doing photos with my recipes. It's slow going but as I am finally back to cooking, I'm doing a little better.

    These sound yummy for fall! I love seasonal flavors - and carrots, which I always seem to have lying around - so I will def. try!

  11. Steph - So glad you guys are still enjoying them. And thanks for the reminder to post these!

    Angela - Me, too... although you reminded me that I still haven't put up the photos with the soup I made. Oops. We're out of carrots right now, but Little Miss soooo wants me to make these again. NOW :)

  12. So happy to find your beautiful blog. The recipe is great. I will make it soon. Doylene


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