Saturday, August 29, 2009

Where Else Do I Look?

Last night, I had just climbed into bed and was picking up my magazine, when the bedroom door was pushed open. I looked over to say goodnight to my husband when I realized it wasn't my husband.

It was Mister Man.

With his pants around his ankles.

Shuffling into my room. And saying not a word to me.

He shuffled over to my dresser and started tugging on the handle to my sock drawer.

Uhhhh, Mister Man, whatcha doing?

I have to go potty, he whined.


You can't imagine (ok, maybe you can) how quickly I hopped out of bed and steered him into the bathroom, opening the toilet for him just in time. And I do mean just in time.

He doesn't remember it this morning, and now I'm a little paranoid about where else he may have ummm wandered in the night. I'm almost afraid to check though.


  1. Oh my... it may be a good idea to check the closets.

  2. One of my sons very occasionally sleep-walked and once he peed in his plastic wastebasket in his sleep. At least he didn't do it on the carpet.

  3. I have to admit I think this is kind of funny. I'd be scared to check too :)

  4. Oh my! Lol! I feel that way during the day with our potty learning adventures.
    Your poor kiddo was just so sleepy. Here's to not finding any pee pee spots in random places!

  5. I'm laughing, but I understand why it might not be funny to you.

  6. snorted OUTLOUD reading that!! love it your son and your take on life make me smile

  7. Oh my, you've reminded me that JAM used to do this all the time! I don't know when it stopped, but hubby and I can't remember when it happened last!

  8. I remember finding my sleepy son peeing against the shower curtain. Good thing you led Mister Man in the right direction :)

  9. Aren't you lucky that you were in the room and could stop him before had to try and flush your drawers.

  10. oh wow, glad you got to him JUST in time! I never had that problem with Nicole - now one time she thought she was dreaming she was throwing up, when she actually had just barfed all over the bed.....

  11. Bahaha!!! Is it just boys who do this? I've known several men who's wives say they still do this as adults. Of course, they are usually under the influence.

  12. Tara - You're not helping. I was sort of hoping for a "oh that's silly. You know he's never done that before" kind of response.

    S3XinthePantry - Ummm yeah. Is this when I pull the "He's YOUR son card" out?

    Pat - In the wastebasket? That's impressive. Icky, but impressive! :)

    Katie Lane - Funny only if this was the only occurance. And I refuse to check.

    Hyacynth - Hear, hear! He is definitely a very sound sleeper, I'll give him that.

    Unknown Mami - Oh, it's funny to me... so long as there are no pee spots anywhere.

    Laura - Aww, you're so sweet! Those are the kinds of comments that make my day!

    Dawn - Sooooo did you ever find any accidents or did he just search for places to pee? Good to know he outgrew it though!

    Kelly - Eh, shower curtain is at least in the bathroom on a tile floor, right? But ummm still not what I want to walk in on.

    WeaselMomma - AMEN! Although I would be sorta interested to see how he'd try to flush a drawer.

    Marcy - Umm yep. JUST in time. Then again, I'll take the pee fear over the puke experience anyday!

    RAS - I'm thinking it is. When I told me husband about it, he started telling stories. And they all involved other drunk males. I rest my case.

  13. Whew! Thank heavens you caught him. I would not want to clean up that mess.

  14. Stacey - This is coming from the person who had the updated map of where there were pee and poop accidents throughout the house? C'mon, I KNOW you're made of sterner stuff than that! ;)

  15. That totally nauseated me. I hope that was a one-time deal.

  16. I had to LOL at this story! The refrigerator used to be 'the' place for the little one of a friend of mine! Fortunately, she always caught him in time to save the salad!

  17. You lead an exciting life! I'd check under the hankies if I were you!

  18. My brother-in-law used to do this when he was a kid as well. I'd never heard of this before. Apparently he isn't the only one!

  19. Melisa - You mean neither of your boys ever did this? Great. Just great.

    betty - Ok, the fridge might be worse. Might. I'm not 100% convinced of that though.

    Rinkly Rimes - An exciting life? Oh what low standards you have for me :) But I'll take it.

    Pam - Apparently not, although it sounds like this isn't as common as I'd hoped!

  20. You'll be ok when Mr Man gets past this stage. They wee everywhere at this stage in life.

  21. Candle Lover - That's the thing: Mister Man has been perfect since he decided to potty train at 3 1/2. He was instantly dry overnight and never had accidents. Little Miss STILL wears a pull-up every night and has never stayed even remotely dry. For him to now start NOT being perfectly pottied is a scary thought :)


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