Monday, August 3, 2009

Tasty Tuesday!

We have a tradition in my house: every birthday, the person celebrating the birthday gets to choose what to eat. We had three birtdays this weekend, so I've been doing a lot of cooking and baking! Little Miss chose grilled pizza. And my husband chose "some kind of marinated chicken."

Okie dokie. I can have fun with that.

Enter Lime Time Chicken -- which was really good, especially with the kiwi salsa I made to accompany it. It sounds odd and looked a little weird, but it was the perfect accompaniment. Plus, it is one of my favorite kinds of meals: it looks fancy and tastes great but requires minimal work.

Did I mention that the wee ones loved it, too?

Lime Time Chicken

1/2 c lime juice (~4-5 limes, juiced)
1/4 c olive oil
2 T honey
1 t dried thyme
2 garlic cloves, crushed
4 chicken breasts

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade into a bag. I heat the honey slightly in the microwave first to be sure that it mixes well with the rest. Shake until it's well combined. Add the chicken. Let it sit in the fridge for a few hours.

Remove the chicken and grill. Only turn it once! I served it with rice and the kiwi salsa below (yes, we're still finishing off the case of kiwi I brought home -- nearly done!).

Kiwi Salsa:
2 T lime juice (I used the juice of a whole lime)
1 T oilive oil
1 jalapeno pepper, seeded and minced
1 t honey (again, heat it in the microwave)
1 garlic clove, minced
1 t curry
1 t cumin, toasted and ground
hot pepper flakes to taste
6 kiwi, chopped
1 small red onion, diced

Mix all the salsa together after you whip up the marinade, then let that sit in the fridge so the flavors meld. Don't cut the kiwi too small, as you don't want mushy little bits of kiwi that fall apart into nothing. Serve it over the chicken above.

Enjoy more fun recipes at TMTT with Blessed by Grace!

(See, pics this week -- aren't you proud?)


  1. This looks so delicious! I have to try this for sure.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Michelle, that does look good. I've never had jalapeno peppers. Are they spicy or hot at all? Do your kids like them? Thanks for another good recipe :)

  3. I eat a lot of chicken so I am going to file this recipe away for future use. Right now I am having trouble with acid reflux so any spices are out, but some day.....look out...I will eat everything in sight

  4. Wow! that looks so good!

    Thanks for entering my give away! Good luck. :)

  5. I am so cooking that chcken. Not to sure on the Salsa.

    YAy for Pics!

  6. I'm so going to make that chicken! I'm tired of the same old grilled or baked chicken, this sounds great, and something everyone will eat!

  7. My mouth was watering as I read that recipe. I copied it and saved it in my recipe file...I sense Lime Time Chicken coming up in a future dinner. Thanks for the recipe and also thanks for visiting my blog...glad you now know that your sister's bday is on pi. And Pi is a way cool name for a pizza place! My son just calculated the exact day next year when his son turns pi years old (in July some time).

  8. That sounds delicious! I will be trying it.

  9. this sounds delish!! and simple too!! ;) thnx!

  10. That looks so yummy! I love lime anything...I bet you it's delicious with a mojito!

  11. Looks great, and kiwi wonderful!

  12. Wow, that looks delicious! I love stuff with lime

  13. Ave - It is. I have a feeling this will be requested for future birthday meals.

    Kelly - They are somewhat spicy, but if you take out the seeds and the ribs, they aren't too bad. You could also leave them out of the salsa, and it would be fine. And ummm no the wee ones didn't like the salsa part, just the chicken :)

    Terry - Oh that's no fun for you. Here's hoping you can eat some spice soon!

    Kimert - Definitely good. And oh so easy. Healthy, too :)

    Kori - I wasn't sure on the salsa either until I tried it. We decided that the salsa was good enough to eat by itself, too. It's worth a try... maybe half the recipe?

    Heather - Oh there are all sorts of yummy chicken you can do. Have you seen my miso chicken or lemon chicken kebabs? Yum!

    Pat - Ooo, I made someone's mouth water. I think that's my favorite compliment for a recipe. Thanks!

    Gina - Go for it. And let me know how it turns out.

    jsprik - You've summed it up perfectly. I love recipes like that.

    Roxane - I don't know about the mojito, but I may have to try that out next time. Good call!

    Laura - Yep. And I think it fits your criteria, too!

    Christi - Most definitely. And thanks for the pretty compliment.

    Lisa - Surprising, isn't it? But it worked out so nicely.

    Brenda - Oh me, too. I need to use lime more often.


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