Monday, June 1, 2009

Tasty Tuesday!

I'm really starting to enjoy the weather here in Chicago. Or I was for two days until I commented on how nice it was. Sunday night I was awakened by thunder close enough it was shaking my house at 3:39am. Storms on Monday, storms and mid-60s today. Tomorrow it's forecast in the low 60s. I think on Friday we might hit 70 again.

Remind me not to say anything about nice weather again.

However, I am starting to move more towards the fresh, raw foods of summer that I enjoy and that I know are that much better for me. This one is one of my favorites. Even my husband who only likes tomatoes if they're cooked (he's weird; what can I say?) enjoys this one -- in limited quantities. I'm all good with that though, since that means there's more for me!

Mideast Pita Salad

3 whole wheat pitas, lightly toasted in the oven or on the grill if it isn't storming
8 plum tomatoes, large chopped
2 cucumbers, sliced and cut in half
6 green onions, sliced
6 cloves garlic, minced
1 c parsley, chopped
2/3 c cilantro, chopped
1/2 c mint, chopped
6 T lemon juice
6 T olive oil
1/4 t salt

Makes ~12 1 cup portions

Toast pita oven or on the grill, then break into bite sized pieces. Cut up the veggies as described above. Add the tomatoes, cucumbers, green onions, garlic, parsley, cilantro, and mint to a large bowl. Stir gently, then add pitas, lemon juice and olive oil. Stir again. Add salt and toss well.

Chill and serve (can be served immediately -- best within 1 full day).

Enjoy! I know I did. That's why we have no pictures again this week unless you want one of an empty bowl....

And of course, as always go check out this week's Tempt My Tummy Tuesday with Blessed With Grace!


  1. This salad sound delicious. We'd love to add it to our A Slew of Summer Salads Carnival and have you link to the carnival. Just leave us a comment if you are interested.

  2. Now that sounds like a refreshing salad! I might have to try it this weekend. Mr.H and I are tying to be more healthy :)

  3. Great salad for this time of year! Thanks again Michelle for these recipes. Like that it's easy.

  4. I love having salads especially with it being so hot and not wanting to heat up my oven. :D

  5. I am going to make these tonight. It sounds sooo good!! Thxs!

  6. "...on the grill if it isn't storming." Bahaha! That cracks me up.

    As always, your recipe sounds delicious. We are also enjoying the fresh fruits and veggies of the season.

  7. Tim, Allyson, Emahry and Jonathan - That sounds like a really neat idea! I love summer salads!

    Roxane - Trying to be? That sounds familiar :)

    Brenda - You've got it exactly. They really add some great interest to it.

    septembermom - Ohhhh just about everything I make it easy :) Some of it just takes a little more time than others.

    Sherry - Yep, I'm with you. I refuse to turn on my oven once it gets over 75 or so.

    tt millers - They're great. I hope you enjoy!

    RAS - Glad I can entertain you. I'm still working on the bitter stage with the weather right now.

    Cookie - Oddly, I never used to. And then I discovered a bunch of recipes that I really enjoy that have cilantro. So I changed my mind :)

  8. Yum! This sounds great. I too love the fresh, raw (and water-rich) foods of summer. I am going to make a huge batch of pico next weekend and enjoy!

    We made another pasta salad this week (similar to my spinach one that I love) and I enjoyed it - hubby tolerated it. It was from Steph at Live Love Eat and it was an Ina Garten recipe. I will post it soon on my site.

  9. Angela - I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right. It really is the water rih foods that I enjoy. Oooo Ina Garten. I like her stuff!

  10. Thanks for the tip!

    Visiting from BPOTW. Nice post!


  11. That's a great looking recipe! Must try it soon!

    Thanks for linking with BPOTW!

  12. Jeve - Glad you liked it!

    BPOTW - Great looking even without the picture... now THAT'S a compliment ;)


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