Friday, June 12, 2009

Quiz Time!

I did this awhile ago, and I had so much fun with it. I loved seeing what you all thought was true and false about me and why. I think it's time for another pop quiz, and I promise there are no right or wrong answers.

Have fun with it! I'll post the answers in a few days, but until then, let me know which items you think are true, and which are false.

1) I failed my driving test the first time through.

2) I've been engaged three separate times, although only married once.

3) My first job was as a dog walker in my neighborhood.

4) I have never been peed on while changing a diaper.

5) My sixth grade teacher put pepper polish on my nails to keep me from biting them.

6) My favorite food is pizza.

7) My first car was a Ford Escort.

8) I played the flute growing up.

9) I have a tattoo on my shoulder.

10) Had Mister Man been born a girl, he would have been named Kiersten Anabel.

11) Had Little Miss been born a boy, she would have been named Andrew Michael.

12) I drink between 80 and 120 ounces of water a day.

13) I have Girl Scout cookies in my cabinet that are almost two years old.

14) My elbows are double jointed.

15) I have never watched Survivor.

16) My husband has never seen my natural hair color.

So, what do you think? Play along -- it's all in good fun. I'll give you a little help. Eight of the sixteen are true. Can you figure out which ones? Good luck!


  1. I'm guessing that 1, 4, 5, 8, 15 and 16 are false. I look forward to finding out what is true:)

  2. #1,3, 4, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15 are true.

  3. Hmm, I'll take a stab at this - I guess 3,5,6,8,9,11,12 and 14 are TRUE!!!

    Looking forward to finding out the truth!

  4. 1) I failed my driving test the first time through. True
    2) I've been engaged three separate times, although only married once. True
    3) My first job was as a dog walker in my neighborhood. True
    4) I have never been peed on while changing a diaper. False
    5) My sixth grade teacher put pepper polish on my nails to keep me from biting them. True
    6) My favorite food is pizza. True
    7) My first car was a Ford Escort. True
    8) I played the flute growing up. True
    9) I have a tattoo on my shoulder. True
    10) Had Mister Man been born a girl, he would have been named Kiersten Anabel. True
    11) Had Little Miss been born a boy, she would have been named Andrew Michael. True
    12) I drink between 80 and 120 ounces of water a day. True
    13) I have Girl Scout cookies in my cabinet that are almost two years old. True
    14) My elbows are double jointed. True
    15) I have never watched Survivor. True
    16) My husband has never seen my natural hair color. True

  5. 1. True
    2. False
    3. False
    4. False
    5. True
    6. False
    7. False
    8. True
    9. False

  6. I'm guessing that 4, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 7 and 9 are true...let me know how I do!

  7. When are you going to post your answers to this one. I say you were not engaged three times.

  8. septembermom - I hate to say it, but only three of your guesses at falses are correct :)

    Cookie -- Not bad... five correct!

    MaBunny - Bummer, only three correct... but hey, I like the way you think about me :)

    Jeff - I like your strategy. It reminds me of the kids in school who put "C" for every answer. shockingly... you only have seven correct. Cheater!

    Weaselmomma - Not bad... 10 of 16 correct. And now the word "false" just looks like it has to be spelled wrong. I hate it when I look at a word too often. Or say it. Pancake will never again sound right to you.

    Angela - Three correct...I like how you doubled back on some of those there though!

    Anonymous - I can't tell you if you're right or wrong unfortunately with only one guess! But the answers are going up tomorrow. I have been in Vegas for the past four days but am planning to do it tonight after a meeting or tomorrow after work.

  9. Ok, let me then try again. Since I only answered one before.

    1) I failed my driving test the first time through. False
    2) I've been engaged three separate times, although only married once. false
    3) My first job was as a dog walker in my neighborhood. True
    4) I have never been peed on while changing a diaper. False
    5) My sixth grade teacher put pepper polish on my nails to keep me from biting them. True
    6) My favorite food is pizza. False
    7) My first car was a Ford Escort. False
    8) I played the flute growing up. True
    9) I have a tattoo on my shoulder. False
    10) Had Mister Man been born a girl, he would have been named Kiersten Anabel. True
    11) Had Little Miss been born a boy, she would have been named Andrew Michael. True
    12) I drink between 80 and 120 ounces of water a day. True
    13) I have Girl Scout cookies in my cabinet that are almost two years old. True
    14) My elbows are double jointed. True
    15) I have never watched Survivor. False
    16) My husband has never seen my natural hair color. False

  10. I need to add some more comments.

    1) I failed my driving test the first time through. False
    2) I've been engaged three separate times, although only married once. false - you don't talk about the other two current husbands.
    3) My first job was as a dog walker in my neighborhood. True and yet you only own cats.
    4) I have never been peed on while changing a diaper. False - You have a son
    5) My sixth grade teacher put pepper polish on my nails to keep me from biting them. True
    6) My favorite food is pizza. False - I am thinking your taste are more refined than that
    7) My first car was a Ford Escort. False
    8) I played the flute growing up. True
    9) I have a tattoo on my shoulder. False - You removed your last boyfriend's name before meeting your current husband
    10) Had Mister Man been born a girl, he would have been named Kiersten Anabel. True
    11) Had Little Miss been born a boy, she would have been named Andrew Michael. True
    12) I drink between 80 and 120 ounces of water a day. True - wow you are a camel
    13) I have Girl Scout cookies in my cabinet that are almost two years old. True
    14) My elbows are double jointed. True If other things are double jointed, your husband is a lucky man
    15) I have never watched Survivor. False you are an addict
    16) My husband has never seen my natural hair color. False you do not dye your hair.

    Wow that is fun, when is the next quiz?

  11. Anonymous - I LOVE your analysis of the responses... and although your false to being peed on because I have a son cracked me up, it was fortunately wrong. You did get eight correct, which was pretty impressive... nine if I think you meant true to #16 based on your logic! Thanks for playing :) And yes, I'll do this one again.


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