Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's Where Again?

As the wee ones ate breakfast, Mister Man studied the map that we use as his placemat most of the time. I was (unusual for me) off at my computer, as I was checking to see how bad of a mom I was for sending the wee ones off to school with short sleeves. Was a coat sufficient? (Phew, it was!)

Mister Man looked up at me with a serious expression on his face.

Mister Man: Mom! I found Heaven on the map!
Me: Ummm, really?

Think fast, think fast, Mom. How could he have found Heaven on a map? There isn't really heaven on that map, is there?

Mister Man: Yep! It's right here.
Me: Right where, Sweetie? (still frantically thinking)
Mister Man: Right next door to Mexico.
Me: Oh. I nodded sagely. Yes. Is it spelled H-A-V-A-N-A?
Mister Man: Uh-huh.

Yeah. It's been a long time since anyone has confused any part of Cuba with Heaven. I was still cracking up about it when Little Miss's bus arrived. Poor kid. I think I just added a few thousand to his therapy bill.


  1. LOL niiice! Thats really funny :)

  2. love it! Today is a good day for sharing funny kid stories, huh? :)

  3. So funny! Love that moment between the two of you.

  4. Sherry - Glad you enjoyed it!

    MaBunny - I do have cute kids, don't I? ;)

    Roxane - Gotta love those emerging reading abilities. I can't wait to see what crops up next.

    morninglight mama - Most definitely! I love reading the entertaining exploits.

    septembermom - We've got lots of moments like that. He's a good kid.

    Hyacynth - And soon you'll have your own entertaining chatterbox providing you with hilarity.

    Cookie - Yeah... I'm thinking it must be something with boys, no?

  5. Hi, visiting from BPOTW.

    That's adorable. Kids are always there to make us laugh when we think we have the world figured out. :)

  6. Great moment!

    Saw this via Best Posts of the Week. Mine was featured too!


  7. Cairo Typ0 - Yeah... and we somehow never do have the world figured out, do we? :)

    John - Great moment in a world filled with great moments. You've got to love kids!

  8. Havana probably was alot like heaven before Castro! Cute post!!

  9. Dejoni - Funny you should say that. That was my first thought when it came out of Mister Man's mouth!

  10. haha that's great! Thanks for sharing :)

    Happy Saturday Sharefest!

  11. Jo - If only I could remember all their quotes. I forget so many so often. Right now, Mister Man has decided that I'm "word blind" which I love!


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