Thursday, April 16, 2009

Take Me Out To The Ballgame!

Spring has finally arrived. I knew this partly because I wanted to go sit on my deck in the sunshine to work this afternoon and partly because we finally had our first t-ball practice.

Opening Day happens to be Saturday, but that's what happens in Chicago. Our first pratice was snowed/colded out. Our second practice was rained/colded out. And Tuesday? Yep, more rain and cold.

Tonight... Mister Man was introduced to t-ball. While they aren't yet best friends (my husband is currently at Play It Again Sports hunting for a tee among other accoutrements), they seemed to do ok for a first meeting.

He wasn't the kid who got hit in the face by a batted ball and started crying (yes, that happened). He actually knew where first base was. He eagerly charged every ball.

The rest of it though? Well, we might need to practice a bit. This is our first organized sport, so I know it will take awhile. He did hit the ball though (and I'm doing my darndest to make him a lefty!), and he had fun doing it.

At the end of practice, we received our shirts, hats and socks. Mister Man was thrilled that his cap and shirt had his name. But best of all? He loved the idea of being number four!

I asked him to model his new uniform, but he was too tired by the time we got home. This big boy was still at practice when bedtime rolled around, and he's smart enough to know to go to bed when he's tired.

So can anyone guess what team we are?



Yep, we're the Mets! Ok, if you can figure that one out, let me know. I'm completely confused.

Happy Spring!


  1. The guy on the shirt looks like a butterfly that's meatier and beafier than the average. So the Mets??? LOL!

  2. Good job Mister Man! T-ball is a great game for the kids. Cute uniform. I don't get the name either. Mister Man is going to have fun this season!!

  3. I seem to recall something about MLB wanting royalties for using their team names and jerseys for little league ball. Perhaps this is the logo of a minor league team affiliated with the Mets? Good luck with making Mr Man a lefty, someone here has that same agenda for TOF. Hope he has fun playing!

  4. Aww mister man! Good luck with your first t-ball season :)

  5. Very cute!

    I have to admit, I was going to say the Bees or the Yellow Jackets or something - the Mets? I'm not seeing that one, LOL.

    Good luck to Mister Man with the T-ball!

  6. We've had our soccer practices cancelled this week due to rain. Spring is the best, huh? *insert eye roll*

  7. What fun! :D I need to get ds in baseball. He has been asking about it. :D

  8. So Cute!
    THe Mets? like NY Mets?

  9. What a cutie pie! This made me remember when my son played tee ball several years ago! They're so cute at that age!

  10. I can't wait to get my little man involved in t ball!! How fun...especially in nice weather. :)

  11. As long as he doesn't run to third instead of first (like every other kid on the team I coached) you're in good shape! :)

  12. Too cute! I would be afraid to arm my little one with a bat.

  13. Hyacinth - My theory was right -- although I think I like yours better! This is one of the minor league teams affiliated with the Mets.

    septembermom - Ohhh, he's having a blast! I'm really glad I signed him up for it.

    Megryansmom - Yep, it's a minor league affiliate. And the hat and everything have the "official major league property" silver hologram sticker and logo everywhere. This might explain our high league fees!

    Roxane - Thanks! So far, so good....

    Angela - It is confusing, isn't it? I'd rather they just be random dragons or bulldogs or whatever, but I obviously have no vote!

    Karen - Uhh yeah... and you've got more headed your way. We're rained out today and it looks like tomorrow is more of the same!

    Sherry - Oh, go for it. It's a blast, and the games are ummm hilarious to watch. Well worth the price of admission ;)

    Cookie - Ummm, yeah. Kinda. Emphasis on kinda!

    Bee and Rose - They are, aren't they? And I'm *amazed* by the skills that some kids show, too!

    Mama Kat - Your little man? What about your girls? It's a two gender sport! Little Miss is TICKED that she isn't playing next year....

    Swishy - Nope, he's got that down. We've been to enough to Daddy's baseball games for that to have sunk in fortunately!

    Jill - It's possible that we spent a lot of time emphasizing that you only swing when someone says "swing away." So far, so good -- knock on wood!


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