Sunday, February 8, 2009

You Thought They Were Good Because They're Good....

I always thought that some people were intrinsically good... that they were good because they wanted to be good. Yet another myth was shattered this afternoon.

Mister Man: Mommy, did you know that Santa and God talk to each other?
Me: Really? No, I didn't know that. Why do you think that is?
Mister Man: Because they're both good guys.
Me: Oh. I suppose that makes sense.
Little Miss: And they don't go to jail.
Mister Man: Nope, they never go to jail because... because... because they live in the sky.
Me: And living in the sky means they don't go to jail?
Mister Man: Yeah. Policemen can't fly, don'tcha know. And their police cars can't fly, so they can't arrest God or Santa so they never go to jail.

Huh. I always thought it was because neither God nor Santa did anything that would require being arrested. Little did I know!


  1. Ah, so good to know these things. He's a thinker...that one.

  2. Makes perfect sense to me! Oh, BTW ~ you were one of the winners of my give away. Drop me a line with your snail mail address and I'll get your package out asap. Thanks for playing!

  3. Ah, the old "flying away from the cops" story.

  4. Katie Lane - Aren't they though? Whenever I'm having a bad day, all I have to do is listen to them for just a bit.

    Young Momma - So creative, right? If only I could retain some of that as I ummmm age.

    Melisa - Yeah. We're all about the logic around here. Just ask him why he doesn't want to be a garbageman when he grows up....

    Karen - Yeah, I know. Never thought of it that way, did you?

    Jill - Most definitely. If only I were still that funny on my own!

    Heather - Yes, yes he is! And I'm in so much trouble as soon as he gets smarter than me.

    Barb - I know. Sadly, it does make sense when they explain it this way, doesn't it? And thanks so much!

    Debbie - Yeah, that old yarn. I'll have to try it the next time the cops are after me ;)

    Jen - Thanks. Gotta love the kids!


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