Friday, January 2, 2009

High Fashion

On New Year's morning, I was a little tired. I was trying to sleep in. And by sleep in, let me explain that I meant keeping myself unconscious past 7am.

I failed miserably, as Mister Man came bounding in long before 7am. He crawled atop me and gave me a hug before sitting at the foot of my bed, doing who knows what. I tried to pretend he wasn't there and go back to sleep. Within a few minutes, I heard Little Miss fussing that she wanted to wake up.

Logical solution? I sent Mister Man to go wake up Little Miss. Within moments, I felt Little Miss climb onto the bed to give me a hug. I hugged her back and felt something different. I half opened my eyes only to realize that she had on a nightcap.

Huh, I thought, in my sleep addled brain, Grandma must have gotten her new pajamas that have a matching cap. That's weird. After all, the wee ones had spent the past five days with Grandma and Grandpa while my husband and I were in San Antonio (I know, rough life), and Little Miss was wearing pajamas I'd never seen before.

Cute, isn't it? Oh. Wait. The pattern doesn't quite match, does it?

Then I looked a little closer. Nope, that wasn't a nightcap. Not even close.

Fortunately, that is clean underwear on her head at least and not something that had been previously soiled in any way.

I'm still not quite sure what she was thinking. Said underwear is now safely back on Snowy (her teddy bear). And yes, we do have a teddy bear in our house who wears nothing but Little Miss's underwear and some old infant socks. Oh, and a bow tie. Welcome to my life!


  1. That is fabulous!!! She's cute - even with underwear on her head!!!

  2. Thank you for responding to my question over at Manic Mom's. I have also had no problems with milk production (it flows quite freely here)and eat well, so I'm thinking it shouldn't be an issue. Thank you for your input.

  3. Oh how cute! Haven't you ever felt like putting underwear on your head early in the morning?

  4. 1. Funny! Hopefully she gets the panties on her head out of her system now... and not in college.

    2. My brother had a bear he dressed up in his Superman Underoos. He named the bear PJ. I believe PJ is still wearing the Underoos nearly 25 years later.

  5. ROFL! She's going to hate that story and those picutres in about 10 years ;)

  6. Have no fear...your little one isn't the only one! My 3 yr old daughter also has worn underwear on her head (again, thankfully it was clean) and yes, we have dolls, bears and even stuffed dogs who wear underwear and sometime they are fortunate enough to get to wear other clothes too. :)

  7. Makes perfect sense to me. And just look how proud she is too. Very cute.

  8. what a thing to wake up to. at least they weren't YOUR underwear!!!

    (stopping by from sits)

  9. Beth - Thanks. But you realize you're only encouraging her, right? ;)

    B - No problem! Good luck with donating!

    MaBunny - Umm no. I can't say that I've ever been tempted in the least. Never.

    Sydney - Oh noooo, I hadn't even thought about college antics. And I LOVE that PJ has his underoos still on! Perfect!

    Cookie - Yep, she sure will. And you can bet your house that I'll be blowing those up and showing them at her wedding, too (not including prom).

    Jen - Ahh, good. It's always nice to know that the kookiness in our house isn't *just* in our house!

    Jeff - Yeah. She was proud. A little too proud if you ask me.

    momma - Yet another possibility I hadn't thought of. Eesh! Thanks for that imagery ;)

  10. It's not a party until someone has underwear on their head!

  11. anymommy - ummm yeah. True. However, 7am on New Years Day... I'm done with hte parties at that point ;)

  12. What IS it with kids wearing underwear as hats?

  13. Karen - It must be some crucial developmental phase, right? Right? Without doing so, they'll never grow up to be brilliant productive members of society. Reassure me here, will ya?

  14. Happy SITS day.

    My 4 yr old son puts his underwear on his head a few times a week. Whenever I am dressing him in a "pattern" he does not to wear that day, he will put the pattern he does want to wear on his head in defiance.

    Gotta love kiddos and their love of all things undies.

  15. That's so cute - I hate to admit it, but all of my kids have had underwear on their heads at one point or another. Thankfully not beyond the age of 7 or so. :)

  16. At least you noticed. LOL they look like they match to me! She is a doll btw.

  17. Oh my gosh, that is too cute! At least she tried to match the patterns! And she did a pretty good job! :o)

  18. You must post a picture of the bear at some point--he sounds like an interesting character :).

    As for the underwear on the head---what? you don't sleep with undies on your head? It's all the rage in Europe ;)!

  19. She's making a new fashion statement. I agree we need a picture of this underware wearing bear.

  20. Oh yes - the stuffed animals all wear unders at our house as well! She's cute!!!!

  21. LOL What a cutie! Kids are such a hoot...

  22. The bow tie sounds like the perfect touch to any outfit! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Kudos to little Miss and her "creative" bedtime fashion sense!

  24. LOL! How adorable! At least it matches. :)

    Happy SITS day!

  25. When my daughter was about your daughter's age, maybe a wee bit younger, she came downstairs wearing one of my bras on her head as a hat.

    Sad to say, her head completely fit inside one of the cups. She didn't leave it on though, as the underwire wasn't comfy......



  26. What a cutie! Doesn't every little girl wear underwear on her head for a hat? No? Huh....

  27. Sweet girl!! We've seen the panties on the head before at our house, too. As well as tights, pants, turtlenecks...

  28. What a sweet story. Kids really do do the darnedest things!

  29. It does look like a matching nightcap at first glance....

  30. Love it.

    This is one of the pictures you'll laugh at in 20 years.

  31. Hey, they make a cute nightcap, you can't deny! Glad to hear they were clean, though.

  32. Underwear as a accessory could be the next big fashion trend! She's adorable!

  33. Awwwwww - that is too cute!

  34. That's why we have children. They constantly keep us laughing with their innocents. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Lol! What cute pics! I'm sure this wont be the first time she will put those on her head either lol. My girls loved to do that! Happy SITS day!

  36. Funny pics! We have a teddy in our house that wears nothing but a diaper, maybe our teddy bears are long lost cousins!

  37. You mean it's not normal to wear undies on your head?? huh.


  38. My husband does this on the weekends.

    His drawers are just plain white, though.

    Happy SITS Day!

    :^) Anna

  39. That's so adorable! If it's any consolation, we also have many teddy bears around the house who are "bearly" dressed... ;)

  40. LOL! i'm glad my kids aren't the only ones who do that!

  41. LOL!! My kids do the same husband does too sometimes while he's folding laundry. I'm not sure if we'll ever outgrow it around here. : )
    Happy SITS day!!

  42. Maybe her head got cold...

  43. Undies always make the best hats!

  44. Cute! That's funny. Yes, it was a good thing they were clean. :)

  45. They make a cute little nightcap, don't they?

    So funny and cute. Kids, eh?

  46. I knew it as soon as I saw it. For some reason I have a picture in my files of my (now) 9 year old with panties on her head. No idea why.

  47. That is so cute! Kids can make the day a little brighter:)

    Enjoy your SITS day!

  48. Oh good, my son isn't the only one who wears his undies on his head!

  49. Adorable, and adorably funny! And like others, I'm so glad it's not just my kids with undies-head!

  50. That is too cute!! Maybe she was watching Little House on the Prairie when she was at her grandma's.

  51. Awww, that is sooo sweet!! I am always and forever putting diapers and pull-ups on my kids stuffed animals!!

  52. haha! Kids can make anything fashion! Happy SITS day!!

  53. Ha! Fashion points to Little Miss for her creativity.!

  54. Ha!

    Now save the photo for, um, future utilization...

  55. Ha! Mine puts pull-ups on his head and his brother calls him "El Midgeto" the Mexican Wrestler. Ah, boys.

  56. So resourceful showing there's more than one way to wear panties!

  57. What a darling! Of course when she hits puberty she may not enjoy those photos too much!

  58. Hmm, I miss those days when they put on outrageous things like they were the normal routine!

  59. LOL. Love it. This is MY kind of high fashion!!!

  60. LOL. Love it. This is MY kind of high fashion!!!

  61. LOL. Love it. This is MY kind of high fashion!!!

  62. Maybe the next trend we'll see in VOGUE magazine!

  63. Hilarious! At least my kid isn't the only one who puts underwear on his head. :D

  64. Haha, that is too cute!! I love what kids think of!!!


  65. aw... what cute kids!

  66. Whenn yer butt gets cold? Underwear! When yer head gets cold?
    Underw..Oh. Wait. Hat. Shoot! I thought she was on to something there...
    enjoy your sits day!

  67. My kids always use their underwear as nightcaps...I thought that was their other use? lol Cute photos!

  68. Ha- I sometimes wonder where they get the idea to do something like put underwear on their head. Happy SITS day.

  69. How funny! She is so cute.

  70. That's so funny! The past 2 nights I've gone to check on my six yr old and at some point he's managed to take off his pj's--what are kids thinking sometimes?!

  71. Too cute! Just last yr my 3 yr old boy would hold my undies hostage every morning. I would get out of the shower to see 5 or 6 pair around his neck and would refuse to give me a pair!

  72. Undies as a fashion statement.......gotta love that!

  73. too cute! somethimes in a half sleep thing just don't register.

  74. That is soooo c.u.t.e! She's darling! Happy SITS day to you!

  75. haha that is adorable!! happy SITS day

  76. So precious! She's got a creative sense of style, for sure.

  77. It's definitely a different sense of style! (and cute!)

  78. So Cute! I think you've got a future fashion designer on your hands!

  79. i saw this when you originally posted it - it's still hilarious!!

  80. Really though, who hasn't worn underwear on their head?!

  81. I love it! Way too cute!

    - Leslie

  82. This is hilarious, I never tire of hearing about all the funny things kids do! Love that your bear actually wears clothes, ours all all naked!

  83. There is real value in holding this picture until she's about 16.

  84. How cute! What a lovely night cap! LOL

  85. Very cute! At least they were a clean pair!

  86. Too cute! She wore them like a lady.
    Enjoy these moments.

  87. Be glad it's the baby of the family who's wearign undies on her head. In my house, the husband is the jokester and has actually pulled this stunt!

  88. This takes the cake for the hilarious/adorable combination!

  89. Cute! My oldest son used to put my underwear on his head when I was folding laundry. I'll have to dig that picture out for blackmailing him one day!

  90. What is it with kids and underwear? If my son sees a pair of panties they are immediately on his head. Mine or his sisters! I guess I could get some really good blackmail pictures, but I'm always too shocked to grab the camera!

  91. hahahaha!! That's classic! I hope you save that picture for a wedding video!


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