Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Soooo, what do you think? But umm don't say anything if you don't like it because I like it. That and I'm still sick, so I'm feeling a little overly sensitive since my brain isn't working yet. I don't know if I could take crushing criticism today. Although I'd like to avoid it any day.

Anyway, see, isn't it pretty? Lex at Indelible Creations made it for me. And the best part is that she's still speaking to me. See, I'm one of those people who doesn't know exactly what she does want but know exactly what she doesn't want. This is why it took me a year and a half to find my house. Granted, I'm very happy with it, but it's a long process because I know what fits in my head.

Anyway, I told Lex that I wanted something purple and elegant picturing something very regal, but that's actually not at all what I wanted. Throughout the whole process, Lex was incredibly patient with me (and if you haven't noticed, you need patience to deal with me) and offered suggestions.

Plus, apparently I'm in the Stone Age (newsflash, I know). My browser doesn't support the latest and greatest so many blogs look funny on my screen when they have cool things like the rounded corners I wanted so badly. But Lex persevered and kept at it until she got it absolutely one hundred percent right. I'm really impressed that she figured it out so my blog isn't all greyed out or off-center like many others I read are.

Lex is probably tired of the phrase "tie it all together" as she knows it's going to come out of my mouth at least once in any conversation, yet she never made fun of me. And she was super responsive and flexible. Letting me work on my schedule rather than rushing to finish me so she could move onto the next project was also really helpful, as I have this nasty habit of working and doing things that keeps me from my computer. This has actually been ready for about a week, but it took me this long to get my act together.

I hope you like my new home as much as I do!

PS She also designs jewelry that's gorgeous and reasonably priced. Check her out over at The Life & Crimes Of A Mom.


  1. You look marvelous!! Love it!

    Take care - Kellan

  2. Looks good. When I was here last night I thought something was different...that's what happens when your a newbie on a blog...

  3. I love it!! It's just beautiful and I think it suits your blog perfectly!

    I am so sorry to hear you are sick. Hope you are much better very soon! I had the respiratory crud a couple weeks ago and was just utterly out of it. I'm still crawling out of the hole in terms of stuff that piled up while I was on the couch, but I'm making progress a little at a time.

    Meanwhile, our dog Tucky is ill so I am partially offline for a bit. I am trying to keep up on reader, but if I am only partly successful you will know why. I'm still here in spirit and will be back as soon as I can! :-))

  4. Kellan - Thanks! That was a shameless plug, wasn't it?

    Melissa - Well originally, it was supposed to go up yesterday morning and I would write a post. But I got home from work and managed to only pay and send an email to Lex before falling asleep and totally missing the post writing. Whoops.

    Feener - Thanks :) It's always nice to know that I can make people say nice things if I beg!

  5. I like it! Purple goes with just about anything:) HOpe you feel better soon. Your prize will be on its way tomorrow.

  6. It's gorgeous!!! Aren't the blog design fairies just the most patient creatures around?

    Praying. Email me if you have questions. angela_thepaintedhouse (at) yahoo (dot) com.

  7. I just stopped in to say Thank You for stopping by for the BATW tour the other day. I really enjoyed having so many visitors.

  8. Looks awesome. Ya'll did a great job.

  9. It looks fantastic!

  10. I absolutely love it! It's very, very elegant and modern. But I do have one teeny, tiny complaint. Could you make the wording larger in your post? My old eyes cannot see like they used to.

    *hoping this is not crushing criticism*

  11. It's beautiful, really beautiful, but if I might also say the type is a tad too small and (ooo please don't hate me or think me to be too rude) the actual post column could be a little narrower, so it's easier on the eyes.

    Thanks for dropping by on Monday. I didn't mention the Stampede in this post because I wanted to give an over view on Canada as a whole. Sadly I am no longer living in Calgary. It was so much fun. It is a great city. I now live in the Lower Mainland of B.C.
    Enjoy the rest of your week!

  13. So pretty! I hope you feel better soon.

  14. It looks great! Nice work Lex!

  15. Ok, I need to ask for shameless love again! I love all the comments. Thanks, everyone!

    Angela - Thank you! I'm still feeling crummy and both kids have been home sick since Tuesday pm. No family reunion in St Louis for us this weekend, I think....

    Mabunny - Thanks! I'm so excited to see it (and share with my husband of course).

    Angela - And yes, they are. They definitely are. I'll know more on Tuesday (or rather, my parents will and will share with me). I'm holding off until then.

    Evi - Welcome! I hope you stop by again. I'm glad you enjoyed your BATW tour!

    Kori - Thanks! :)

    Shelly - Ok, I'm loving this love. Just loving it!

    Karen - Ummm, I don't know. I'm not nearly that technical, and I'm one who keeps my computer type teensy so I can see more of it on the screen, but I get your point and will look into it. Nope, not crushing criticism :)

    Megryansmom - Thanks! And you aren't the only one with that comment. I'll see what I (err Lex?) can do!

    Jennifer - Welcome! Me, too! My favorite color in the world! Do you ever go back to the Stampede? I had so much fun there (and at Spruce Meadows).

    Mrs. S - Thanks. You all are making me blush!

    Anymommy - Thanks and thanks. So far, no go. But I am at least eating a little bit of noodles right now.

    Melisa - Yay! Thanks!

    Debbie - Thanks -- and I'll be sure to pass that along to her if she isn't reading (which I doubt she is given how busy she is!).

  16. I LOVE the new look! Very classy and very cool!

  17. I LOVE the new look! It's fabulous!


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