Friday, August 8, 2008

Paying It Forward!

Alas yet another PIF contest has come to an end. I am actually starting to feel a little cheesy about these, as I feel like they're cheat posts, but I'm an honorable person and when I win one, I'm supposed to pay it forward. And there will be one more, as I have another prize headed my way. Yay me?

Before we get to that, some mild humor. Gotta make the post worth reading, right?

As of yesterday, I have five guests staying in my house through the weekend. My MIL, FIL, BIL, his girlfriend and my husband's best friend have all come up from St. Louis. And I found out last night that my other SIL and niece are going to drive up tomorrow. Wheee!

Last night I was conversing with my husband before shutting the house down for the night.

Him: Have you seen Fat Boy?
Me: No, but Little Buddy is up here already.
Him: Fat Boy is usually pretty good about going straight to bed.
BIL: Is Little Buddy Little Miss? And the other one is Mister Man?

Umm no, sorry. Those would be our cats (officially named Meow and Roar). And really, Little Buddy and Fat Boy are not exactly appropriate nicknames for any children, let alone the wee ones I birthed. But entertaining coming from a single guy.

Anyway, I thought long and hard about this one. As I mentioned, the silicone pans are optional. If you don't want them, you don't need to take them (they're used but in perfect shape). I love my silicone bakeware and use it frequently. I just discovered after all my baking last week that I have four round cake pans and only need two.

And for the rest of it?

I love drawing tools for kids. And apparently I'm channeling my inner panic about driving to Minnesota by myself in two weeks.

Cute little Chinese dress for a doll. I had to take it out of the bag, as it wouldn't photograph in the bag, but isn't it adorable? (I've also been told that this works as a wine bag cover if you're doing an Asian theme.)

I love my little totes. And so does Little Miss. Nice and happy and summery!

More books, of course. And yes, more Sandra Brown. They go well with the tote -- take them to the beach and let your mind unwind! Old School isn't quite as light, but it's an entertaining read. I've read it twice and just find the whole thing intriguing. Not a book to take to the beach.

And without further ado:

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:1
Timestamp: 2008-08-08 22:27:11 UTC

That makes commenter #1 Ya-Ya's Mom the winner! If I don't hear from her by Monday night, I'll draw a new number, but since she told me she was interested in silicone, I'm hoping that she comes through! Tomorrow we visit some stupid Mommy moments.


  1. What a cool prize box! We loved getting one from you.

    So you like those silicone pans? I've been wondering how they bake up. Just too scared to try them.

  2. That's a house full - WOW! Have fun and have a good weekend - Kellan

  3. Ooh those books look good. Have a great time with all of your guests!

  4. I am new to the pay it forward...but I think it sounds like a very cool concept...congrats to the winner and hope your weekend was wonderful

    P.S. i found you allmediocre

  5. Karen - Glad you liked your box! Silicone is great. Make sure you grease it well the first time, then you're pretty much set for life. They're great and require so little cleanup and take up almost no space. That's good for those of us who cook a lot and have a few implements and run out of storage space. And yes, when we were looking for our house, I counted the number of cabinets in every house we walked into and eliminated some JUST for the lack of cabinet space.

    Kellan - Yeah... it was. I definitely have more to say on this later.

    Mabunny - They're fun books. I love to read, and I can't wait until I have enough time in my life to catch up on my long list of books I want to read!

    Georgie - Welcome! I think it's a neat concept. Swistle started it all (or at least this bomb), and it's been neat to see what everyone puts together for their prizes. Plus, people continue the chain which is cool! Thanks for the stop-by and I hope you come visit again!


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