Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm So Behind In My Birthdays

... but we did finally celebrate Little Miss's third birthday.

We had a lot of fun inviting her preschool class from last year (I agonized over this one knowing that we wouldn't see most of these children again, as she's going to a different preschool this year -- more on that in the next few days -- but finally decided that since those were kids she wanted to invite, I'd invite them). We also invited our playgroup friends, friends from the neighborhood, etc. Lucky for me, the second week in August appears to be the time when the majority of people around here are on vacation.

That meant that instead of 31 children in my home, I had only 13. That is honestly the smallest birthday party I've ever hosted.

It's also the first party for Little Miss that hasn't involved rain at some point, not that I'm complaining about that part.

I am a big fan of the make a craft of some sort that is also the party favor so you don't go home with a goodie bag full of stuff you don't need or want. I've been to too many of those birthday parties already. Mister Man has had a chocolate (as in make your own) party, a cookie decorating party, a treasure hunt for puzzle pieces party, etc.

For Little Miss this year, we did Making Friends. It is sort of like Build-A-Bear but ummm not with the same cache. The consultant dropped everything off with me ahead of time, so I had the three kinds of animals (elephants, pigs and monkeys), the stuffing, the star shaped hearts, the hospital namebands, and the birth certificates.

Whoo hoo -- that took all of seven minutes for everyone to make the animal and be done with that one. Hmm. Fortunately, it was great weather, so we were able to play outside and just have fun until cake time.

So what kind of a cake would a three year old girl want, you might ask?

Disney princesses? Of course not, that's what Mister Man wanted for his third birthday. And yes, I delivered. Totally age appropriate. Of course, we did have to do it while in Florida away from Daddy because Daddy was freaking out. Sadly I have no pictures of the cute little cake with the Dopey, Candlestick guy, Belle and Snow White figurines I found at Target.

She didn't want ponies or Dora or anything like that either.

No matter how many times I asked her (ok, begged her, really), all she wanted was a Batman Spiderman cake. Okie-dokie. I went to six stores before I finally found something that I could use for the cake. Do you like how Batman has just about captured the bad guy?

Lucky for me, she was happy with it.

And in case you're wondering, Mister Man's birthday isn't until October 11, but I've already called the restaurant where we're having to reserve the date for him. We're making pizzas and pasta. All I have to figure out is whether I'm going to do it November 1 or November 15. Those are the first days that don't coincide with us being in Florida or a Northwestern game. Sadly, I do have my priorities.

Oh, and he wants a Thomas cake. That I can do. Phew!


  1. I love that MM wanted a princesses cake. And that LM wanted Batman & Spiderman. Too cute! I'm trying to pull together Big A's 4th bday plans for October. So far, we've picked a place and she's insisted on a Backyardigans theme. Phew. Something easy for once.

  2. Happy Birthday Little Miss! Great cake! Seriously! I love it!

  3. So happy the bday went off without a hitch, sounds like alot of fun!

  4. Happy Happy Birthday to your little princess (and resident superhero!)

    Very cute cake. I love the pink writing juxtaposed with the superheroes :-))

  5. Angie - Yep, Spiderman and Batman for the girl; Disney princess for the boy. Who knew! Good luck with the Backyardigan's birthday!

    Irene - Glad you loved it. I was a little disapointed in what I was able to find but the kids loved it, and that's all that matters!

    Mabunny - It was fun, especially seeing so many of our friends from preschool that we hadn't seen too often this summer.

    Angela - Yeah... apparently when I asked Costco for the blank cake with the writing for a three year old girl, they thought pink was a good color. Except in my family!


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