Thursday, July 17, 2008

I May Not Be Cool...

but I'll do what I can to help the wee ones on their way to coolness.

I was thinking about this today, as I realized that all the cool kids are at BlogHer right now. Laughing it up in San Francisco. Enjoying the not 95 degree with 99 percent humidity weather. Sipping frou frou drinks. Being entertained by the witticisms of all those around them. Gnoshing on appetizer that usually only appear on the Food Network.

They're the blog world's version of the cool kids. And I'm not even hanging out with the band kids. In fact, I was at work today at 7am. I worked all day until I left to go to the wake for my friend D's dad. My only entertainment comes from the wee ones and my husband. And appetizers? We don't even serve them.

Back in high school, one way to know you were cool was to have a good nickname. I never really had a good one. For softball, my sweatshirt read "Shel" but few people actually called me that. It wasn't until after I graduated college that I started to get some good nicknames. I'll decline to share them with you for the moment, though.

The wee ones, on the other hand, have a plethora of nicknames. And they seem to stick fairly well, as even those outside my family periodically use the nicknames.

Below is the Tally:

Mister Man:
1) Mister Man (duh)
2) T-Bass (thanks to my uncle)
3) Walnut (it will become clear shortly)
4) Tee (anyone think his name might start with that letter?)
5) Sweet Pea (only another year or two that he'll answer to that, I think)

Little Miss:
1) Little Miss (shocking)
2) Peanut (Walnut makes more sense now, doesn't it?)
3) Pumpkin
4) Kitten
5) Princess

When I first started thinking about this, I was sure that Little Miss was going to have more nicknames than Mister Man, partly because of her personality (again, the stronger the personality and the more people are drawn to you, the more nicknames theory) but also because we call her by her given name much less often than we do Mister Man.

I sometimes wonder how many of the nicknames will still be with them as they grow older. Peanut is so contant with Little Miss that I have a feeling she'll be a 6' volleyball player still named peanut.

Mister Man, I don't know. If he were to become a good sports player, he's at least got a decent stock of nicknames to start with though. Doesn't T-Bass just sound like a running back? And Tee works for so many sports. Sweet Pea I might have to let him give up though.


  1. Ah, man, thanks for the reminder that we aren't the cool kids. Sigh.

    I ordered the book High IQ Kids--I am going to start it now...if I can tear myself away from blogging! The editors are Kay, Robson, and Brenneman. It looks really promising. Just thought I would pass that along!

  2. Yeah, I've been totally feeling sorry for my lame-blogging-self, for not being at blogher. Maybe someday I'll be cool enough... if it didn't happen in high school, it probably isn't in my future, right? :)

  3. Angela - Sorry, didn't mean to be the downer! I'll try to find that book. Ironically, I just left a couple of suggestions for you!

    Morninglight Mama - Yep, totally feeling sorry for myself, too. Especially after hearing about Kellan having fun! And hey, high school isn't a predictor of future success. Haven't you seen the cheerleaders now?

  4. Yup, I am in the "not cool" crowd as well. And I never had a nickname until I was out of college! And that, coincidentally, was the first time in my life that I started feeling somewhat "cool". Although waves of nerdiness often roll in....

    I am really wishing I was at Blogher. I am guessing that next year it will be a blowout and the attendance will skyrocket! See you there?

  5. I know I wasn't a cool kid in Highschool, I was one of the head bangers;))

    Nicoles nickname is mainly Boo, Boo-Bear, Berries, Boop and whatnot, lol.

  6. Irene - I'm pretty sure that yes, you'll be seeing me there next year, especially if I keep hearing stories from those attending about how fun it is.

    MaBunny - Headbanger, huh? I wouldn't have pictured it from the woman who makes lapghans!

  7. I've never had a nickname, really. I think I've fallen off the bottom of the cool chart. Your kids pet names are so cute though. I try to use them often with mine as well - it feels so loving.

  8. Well, I'm not cool either because not only am I not in SF, but I have no desire to be there. :-)

    And I am so bad about nicknames. My kids, hubby and animals suffer greatly at my nonstop nickname concoctions. LOL!

  9. So cute! When I was little, my Dad always called me Mouse or Munchkin. Both because I was tiny (born at 2 lbs 2 oz). As a teenager, a boyfriend started calling me dahrlin' (comes from my last name) and that stuck. All my friends picked it up and it's still being used today, LOL! So I adopted its use for my blog. Seemed only natural!

  10. I'll always be the geeky kid watching the cool kids from the bleachers. I've accepted that as my lot in life and making the most of it. But that does sound pretty fun. Wah.

    My girls are tater and peanut. They have lots of nicknames at school for only being 2 and six months. My kids are way cooler than I am.

  11. Anymommy - Maybe it's the loving part that's why I use the pet names so much. Good point!

    Angie - You've made me curious as to what the concoctions could be. And really... you have no desire to be with other ladies with no kids living it up in SF for four days? That I couild handle it.

    Angela - Two pounds two ounces? That IS tiny! Munchkin and Mouse definitely fit that. And Dahrlin' is too cute. I've liked that one for awhile.

    Bridget - I like tater (and obviously peanut). Tater is a unique one I wish I would have thought of myself!


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